Causes and management of dry hair
Dry hair is a hair type based on the level of greasiness of your hair. The most important reason for having dry hair is when they do not retain enough moisture. This leads to a frizzy, dull and almost dead appearance of hair. Age is one more factor which can lead to dry hair. In healthy hair, the outer layer of hair secretes natural oil, making your hair shiny and healthy but with dry hair, this outer layer gets ruptured and oil secretion is very less causing the hair to look dull and unhealthy.
Causes of dry hair
There are many causes of dry hair. Lifestyle factors, environmental conditions, hair care wrong habits, and physical health are a few to enlist.
Environmental factors leading to dry hair are:
- Living in a dry, tropical, and hot climate can lead to dryness in the scalp and hair. Moisture is not locked properly, causing dry hair.
- Prolonged sunlight or wind exposure, especially in tropical climates, can harm the outer layer of hair and reduce the oil secretion.
- Though it looks attractive, enjoying water rides, swimming in salt and chlorinated water can cause hair dryness.
Wrong hair care habits responsible for dry hair include:
- Frequent hair wash can result in scalp dehydration. Overuse of hot water can worsen the symptoms. Hot water strips off natural oil from the scalp.
- Use of harsh chemicals on hair with hair care products like shampoo, soaps, etc. The wrong choice of hair care products due to unawareness about the products is a major reason behind the dryness of hair.
- Overuse of chemicals and dye can also contribute to dry hair. Many hair treatments sound attractive but chemicals used for those treatments can harm your hair.
- Frequent blow drying of hair also leads to dry hair. It is not recommended to blow dry your hair after every wash, prefer natural drying or air-drying for drying hair after a shower. Heat from the dryer can harm hair cuticles.
- Overuse of irons and hair straightening treatments are one of the factors causing dry hair issues. These irons are also based on thermal principles. The heat factor can affect your hair, causing dryness.
Sometimes, your underlying physical conditions can lead to dry hair. The examples are anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, etc.
Prevention and treatment of dry hair
Managing dry hair is easy and can be achieved by simple lifestyle changes.
- Reduce the frequency of hair wash. It will help to promote oil secretion by glands and retention of oil by the scalp.
- You must condition your hair when you wash them. You can use conditioners available in the market or you can opt for homemade conditioners.
- Select the right type of products for cleansing. Your shampoo, hair oil and conditioners should increase the moisture level of your hair.
- Moisturizing products are beneficial. You can also try hair masks with moisturizing capacities.
- The use of chemicals on hair should be avoided.
- Less frequency of blow drying hair.
- No irons and other equipment should be used on hair.
- Protect your hair from sun exposure with hats and scarf.
Once you understand the causes of hair dryness, you can easily manage and treat your dry hair.