4 anti-aging tips for your skin

4 anti-aging tips for your skin

We all want young and healthy skin and are often at our wit’s end searching for ways to retain our youthfulness. The good news is that you do not need to look too far. In fact, some basic ways to maintain supple skin is in your hands. Your skin is just another living organ that shows change over a period of time. All you need to do is take measures to manage it well. Here are some easy-to-follow anti-aging tips for your skin.

1. Use a gentler face wash
Your face wash is one of the most common skin products you use, so choose it wisely. It is recommended to use a mild face wash when you clean your face. Regardless of whether you have acne or not, you should always use gentle products rather than ones that end up drying your face. A mild face wash provides hydration and fights skin damage. These face washes often work as anti-aging products that help deal with free radicals, which are a set of compounds capable of attacking and damaging cells. Make sure to gently rub your face and clean in light and circular motions. Experts believe that harsh scrubbing could irritate sensitive skin, and in turn, speed up the process of aging.

2. Employ the help of retinoids
After a certain duration of time, your skin tends to lose collagen. Collagen is the protein that keeps your skin plump and smooth. Thus, a collagen deficiency can lead to your skin looking creased. Experts recommend retinoids as the best option to combat the loss of collagen. Retinoids are a version of vitamin A available with a prescription. Dermatologists recommend the use of retinoids as an anti-aging remedy to people above 30 years of age. It is advisable to ease into the use of this medication by applying it about two or three times a week and gradually shift to daily use as your skin adapts to the change.

3. Upgrade your SPF routine
Another anti-aging tip is to routinely use a sunscreen that possesses a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30. Using sunscreen is an essential way to maintain your skin’s health and avoid the loss of natural pigments. Sunscreen also helps prevent the onset of age spots. However, not every sunscreen is the same. It is recommended to start using a sunscreen with a moisturizing capability and refrain from using products filled with alcohol. Additionally, for preserving the collagen in your skin, search for sunscreens that are rich in antioxidants.

4. Use a richer face cream
As an anti-aging remedy, you can trade your regular skin cream for a richer or heavier one. This tip works well for anyone with dry skin. While applying cream to your face, never forget your neck as the skin on the neck ages faster due to neglect.

All of these tips can help you reduce the signs of aging and restore your youthful skin.