Understanding what anxiety does to a person
Healthy Living

Understanding what anxiety does to a person

When there is stress experienced by the body the natural response to it by the body is known as anxiety. It generally refers to the fear of something that is going to happen. If this feeling of fear turns extreme or lasts for as long as 6 months and begins to affect the daily lifestyle of the person, then it means that a person is suffering from anxiety disorders. The feeling of anxiousness may be normal about any new event. The anxiety may be an unpleasant feeling, but it definitely motivates a person to work much harder and to complete the assigned task in a much more efficient manner. This kind of anxiety is ordinary in its frequency as it comes and goes but does not affect a person’s daily life. But when a person is suffering from anxiety disorder the fearful feelings may remain in a person for almost all the time. It turns debilitating in nature when such feelings become intense gradually. This sort of anxiety may hinder the kind of lifestyle the person has been living. When the cases are very serious, it may stop a person from entering the elevator, going across the street, or it may even be troublesome to step outside one’s house.
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5 warning signs of depression to look out for
Healthy Living

5 warning signs of depression to look out for

Depression a serious mental illness that affects how one thinks and behaves. It leads one to lose interest in activities that they once enjoyed. Undertaking the most basic functions such as sleeping, working, and even eating become troublesome. The disorder is common and severely hampers ones emotional and physical abilities. One in six people is bound to go through depression at least once in their lifetime. While it can strike during any age, it is most likely to seep in when one is in their late teens or mid-20s. Commonly misunderstood, feeling sad is not the same as being depressed. The process of depression is a natural grieving that is distinct for every individual. Albeit, the features may be quite similar. Even an individual who lives under conventionally ideal circumstances is at the risk of depression and must avail of the right support to get through. Identifying and understanding the signs of depression is the first step involved in the same. Here are some obvious signs of depression that one must look out for: 1. Unexplainable body pain People who suffer from depression are most likely to experience physical pain. This includes pain in the back, joints and limbs. Body pain caused by depression can be chronic if not treated well in time.
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Basics of diagnosing and treating an allergy
Healthy Living

Basics of diagnosing and treating an allergy

As allergies are one of the most common conditions an individual can suffer from, it often becomes difficult to identify its occurrence until the reaction is repeated. Also due to the possibility of almost all foreign substances being a trigger, the process of isolating what actually causes the reaction is long drawn out and time-consuming. In these cases of confusion, it is very easy to make a wrong decision, use the wrong treatment option and further aggravate the condition, or at the very least, not treat the right condition. In order to be able to avoid that, it is important to be able to confirm what the allergy actually is, understand the condition properly and treat it appropriately for a full recovery. Diagnosis When a particular symptom appears, it is important to immediately consult the doctor, who on further examination will be able to determine the presence of an allergy. Through the process of this consultation, the doctor initially questions the individual about the signs and symptoms which have appeared and then performs a physical test. He/she will also ask you to maintain elaborate notes on the symptoms and the possible triggers. In cases of food allergies, you need to maintain a diary of all the foods you ate recently and take note if you have reduced the consumption of any food during the evaluation process.
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Home care tips for children with chickenpox
Healthy Living

Home care tips for children with chickenpox

Chickenpox is an infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. It is highly contagious and leads to the development of rashes that are itchy and form into fluid-filled blisters. The rash first appears on the face, back and chest and then spreads all over the body. Chickenpox can cause extreme discomfort, especially among children. Other common signs and symptoms of chickenpox include fever, headache, loss of appetite, and fatigue. Certain measures can be taken to help alleviate the symptoms of chickenpox among children, such as Fever relief Fever is one of the early signs and symptoms of chickenpox. Doctors recommend medications such as Tylenol, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen to reduce the temperature. Aspirin or products containing aspirin must be strictly avoided as it can cause complications such as Reye’s syndrome, which affects the liver and brain and can even cause death. Oatmeal baths The rashes that develop due to the varicella-zoster virus can be extremely itchy. Touching or itching them can cause scars. Having oatmeal baths can soothe the itchiness. Fill the tub with lukewarm water and add oatmeal under the running water. Ointments Applying ointments such as calamine lotion, petroleum jelly, or an anti-itch lotion can help soothe the itchiness.
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Hobbies for personality development of kids
Healthy Living

Hobbies for personality development of kids

Your kid’s personality development begins right from childhood itself. Their overall attitude, behavior, and development occurs as a result of the thoughts, education, and opinions they perceive during their childhood. One of the most significant techniques to develop your child with reference to creativity, interest, grasping skills is to encourage them to pick up a hobby. You can guide your kid toward choosing the right hobby — this can include any outdoor or indoor activity or simply making them aware of nature. Indulging in such different hobbies can shape the personality of your kid as doing so helps him/her become more independent, confident, and self-reliant. Hobbies also enhance team spirit, patience, thinking skills, and different life skills required to help your kid grow. This article discusses some ideas about unique hobbies that your kids can enjoy. Craft Art and craft hobbies always prove to be a major factor to boost kids’ imagination and creativity. You can motivate your kids to participate in different crafting hobbies, which mainly include origami, crochet, handprint crafts, woodwork, painting, paper quilting, tapestry, among others. Collecting items Collecting items is the kind of hobby that develops cognitive skills of classification, grouping, and differentiation, among many others. You can motivate your kids to collect coins, stamps, rocks, toys, marbles, seashells, cards, etc.
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Top 8 alcohol addiction treatment centers in the country
Healthy Living

Top 8 alcohol addiction treatment centers in the country

Alcoholism or alcohol addiction is a disease in which an individual depends on alcohol excessively. Alcohol addiction adversely affects the social and personal life of an individual and changes their brain and brain chemistry. It is possible to treat alcohol addiction through proper counseling and rehabilitation programs at an alcohol addiction treatment center. Alcohol addiction treatment centers in the country Duffy’s Napa Valley Rehab It is one of the most well-known treatment centers in the country. They run a “family-oriented program” and treat around 40,000 individuals who are suffering from alcohol addiction or are addicted to drugs. The “on-site supervised detox” program is a licensed program and has accreditation from the California Department of Alcohol Drug Programs. The 12-step method accompanied by counseling sessions and other treatment methods provide an effective treatment strategy for people who are addicted to alcohol. Fairwinds Treatment Center Located in Clearwater, Florida, it is one of the most well-known centers for the treatment of alcohol addiction. They treat patients who suffer from single or comorbid addictions. The treatment plan includes the proper identification of triggers and source(s) of addiction followed by a treatment strategy that eliminates those triggers from an individual’s life. It helps people go back to a normal life.
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How to avoid fertility problems in women
Healthy Living

How to avoid fertility problems in women

Fertility problems or infertility in women is a medical condition when an individual is unsuccessful in conceiving even after trying (with frequent intercourse) for at least one year. Currently, millions of couples in the country are facing fertility issues. Approximately 10 to 18 percent of couples in the country experience difficulty in bearing a child. In about one-third of the cases, infertility results due to female factors. However, the good news is, with timely diagnosis and proper treatment women can successfully conceive in 65 percent of the cases. Avoiding fertility problems in women Though fertility issues are a common occurrence in the country, women could prevent it to a certain extent by following the below-mentioned procedures. Try to conceive before 35 It is a known medical fact that fertility in women is inversely proportioned to their age. It means as the female becomes older the ability to conceive reduces. Though modern treatment has made it possible for women of all ages to bear children, the chances of getting pregnant in the twenties and early thirties without any treatment are more. Studies have revealed that approximately one-third of females above 35 find it challenging to become pregnant without any treatment. The figures magnify to two-thirds when the female partner is more than 40 years old.
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Prevent heartburn with these effective tips
Healthy Living

Prevent heartburn with these effective tips

Heartburn is a medical condition in which gastric contents reach the esophagus and causes a burning sensation and pain. It is a condition of the digestive system in which the acidic content from the stomach flows back into the esophagus and causes a burning sensation and pain in the chest. Under normal conditions, a muscular ring called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) prevents this reverse flow. Heartburn affects 15 million Americans every day. Common symptoms of heartburn are a burning sensation in the chest and an acidic taste in the mouth. The symptoms typically aggravate after a meal and when you lie down. In most people, heartburn is occasional and is not a serious health issue. Prevent heartburn with these foods: Our stomach releases acids to digest our food and the food we eat can significantly change the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Since the production of acid in the stomach largely depends on the type of food you eat, changing dietary behavior can be very beneficial. However, if the problem persists for a long duration, an expert opinion must be sought. Ginger: A regular intake of ginger can be beneficial in reducing heartburn symptoms owing to its anti-inflammatory properties.
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An overview of birth control pills
Healthy Living

An overview of birth control pills

Birth control pills are used by women to prevent pregnancy, and, when taken correctly, they are known to avert pregnancy by up to 99.9%. Also known as oral contraceptive pills, these are small tablets that you swallow each day. Most of these pills contain two specific types of synthetic female hormones: progestin and estrogen. These hormones are similar to the progesterone and estrogen hormones naturally produced by the ovaries. These pills are also known as combined oral contraceptives. How birth control pills work The hormones in the birth control pills avert pregnancy by suppressing the activities of the pituitary gland, which hampers the release and consequent development of the egg in the ovary. The progestin, on the other hand, keeps the sperm from reaching the egg and prevents changes in the uterus lining. There is another type of pill that contains only one hormone, that is, progestin. This progestin-only pill stops pregnancy by impeding the process of ovulation and preventing the sperm from reaching the egg. Choosing the right type of birth control pill One needs to talk to their doctor about which pill they should take and the dosage that is suitable for them. Although the combination pill that contains both hormones is more effective, some women cannot take estrogen orally.
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Physiotherapy as a way to deal with pain
Healthy Living

Physiotherapy as a way to deal with pain

Pain is a normal body reaction, as your body reacts to various forms of external stimuli, from burns to sudden impacts. The pain fades away as soon as your body starts producing new cells, but the resulting agony can be unbearable when you are in chronic pain. This is why it is advisable to check out physiotherapy as it can help you manage your pain effectively. Whether you are in chronic pain as a result of a health condition, or if you have been in an accident, opting for physiotherapy can help you overcome the pain and regain your normal life. Pain management Physiotherapy remains one of the best ways for you to manage your pain irrespective of the cause of the pain. There are various methods of physiotherapy that you can opt for to help you deal with the rigors of intense pain and the accompanying anxiety and stress levels. You can opt for a massage of the various body parts, movement, and exercise as well as laser therapy to reduce swelling and inflammation. When it comes to physiotherapy, each session lasts for only half an hour or slightly more, but they can prove to be very helpful in relieving pain.
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