Tips for treating kids with ear infections
Healthy Living

Tips for treating kids with ear infections

If a baby is fussy, cries more than usual and tugs at their ear, they may have an ear infection. Otis media or ear infection is a painful inflammation of the middle ear . Most middle ear infections occur between the eardrum and Eustachian tube, which connects the ears, nose, and throat. This infection usually follows a cold and is usually caused by bacteria and viruses. Inflammation and swelling of the Eustachian tube are caused due to infection. Fluid builds behind the eardrum and the tube narrows, causing pressure and pain. Children have shorter and narrower Eustachian tube than adults. Also, their tubes are more horizontal, so it is easier for them to get them blocked. Of all children with ear infections, 5 to 10 percent of them experience a ruptured eardrum. This usually heals within a week or two and rarely causes permanent damage to the child’s hearing. Tips Pain medication Ear infections are usually painful and the doctor might suggest ibuprofen or a paracetamol for minimizing the pain. Fever caused by the infection can also be controlled with these medicines. Wait and watch No medications might be prescribed and the doctor might wait for the ear infection to heal on its own in a week or two.
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Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy
Healthy Living

Side effects of testosterone replacement therapy

A male who has been found to have an extremely low level of testosterone can go for testosterone replacement therapy. This therapy has a lot of benefits to offer. It can restore the energy levels of a person and improve their sex drive as well. The body fat has chances of getting reduced and you may experience a buildup of the muscles after the boost in the testosterone after the treatment. But, this therapy also comes with its own set of side effects and risks which may be immediate or prolonged depending upon the nature and length of the treatment. Risks associated with testosterone replacement therapy Most men are currently using a prescribed gel or injection to increase the levels of this masculine hormone and the drugs promise to make them feel more energetic, mentally alert and sexually active too. The advertisements may seem too lucrative but it is always better to remain in touch with a medical supervisor before you start this therapy. The potential side effects associated with testosterone replacement therapy are as follows: Some of the immediate effects which are seen on a number of men are acne and troubled breathing at night while sleeping. There have also been signs of edema in the ankles and enlarged breasts.
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Diagnosis of an overactive bladder
Healthy Living

Diagnosis of an overactive bladder

Urinary leakage is more common than you would think; often, the person is acutely embarrassed to bring up the topic even with his or her doctor. That’s why an overactive bladder is often termed as a hidden condition. It should be pointed out that an overactive bladder can also arise due to sudden changes in your body, including your health and metabolism. It usually consists of frequent urination and you may even leak urine between the times you void your bladder. It should be mentioned that diabetes can cause you to urinate more often. Also, a tumor or growth in the urethra can irritate the bladder and cause one to go more often. If you do urinate frequently and apart from this, you also leak urine, then you definitely need to consult your doctor right away. An overactive bladder could well be the symptom of something more serious. Diagnosis Your doctor would first subject you to a physical examination and would then discuss your medical history in detail. He or she may want to know about whether you or your immediate family has any history of diabetes, as this condition is known to cause similar symptoms to that of an overactive bladder.
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What is flu and how is it different from a common cold
Healthy Living

What is flu and how is it different from a common cold

Cold and flu have a lot in common. As both the conditions are caused by viruses and infect the airways, it is sometimes hard to tell them apart. Also, their symptoms overlap, leaving the person feeling extremely miserable. However, it is important to know the difference between a common cold and flu in order to effectively treat it. A cold is a milder, less acute respiratory disorder than flu. While the symptoms of a cold can last for a few days, the symptoms of flu can prolong for a couple of weeks. Moreover, it can sometimes lead to very serious health problems such as pneumonia and even hospitalization. Symptoms of a common cold A common cold typically begins with a sore throat that generally gets better within two days. By the fourth or the fifth day, the nasal symptoms such as stuffy nose and congestion along with a mild cough may get better. People suffering from cold get watery nasal secretions that gradually become thick and dark. This is an indication that the cold is getting better. Some people mistake dark mucus for bacterial infections, which may or may not be true. Very few people experience a fever with a cold.
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Flu treatment for pregnant women
Healthy Living

Flu treatment for pregnant women

It has been observed that flu causes more complications in pregnant women leading to severe illnesses than compared to women of the same reproductive age but not pregnant. This is basically due to the result of the complex changes in the body of pregnant women, such as changes in the heart, immune system, and lungs. Flu can also be harmful to the growth and development of the fetus. One of the most common symptoms of flu is a fever that can be associated with neural tube defects or some other problem linked with neonatal development. Getting a flu vaccine is one of the best protections against it When it comes to getting protection against flu, the first and the most important thing to do is get a flu vaccine. Pregnant women should get the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV), popularly known as the nasal spray flu vaccine. The best part about getting a flu vaccine during pregnancy is that it protects both the mother as well as the child. Studies done on vaccination have shown that it reduced the cases of pregnant women getting hospitalized due to flu by around 40%. Not only does the vaccinated mother pass on the flu resistance to their babies, but the babies also remain unaffected by flu even for a few months after they are born.
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Top 7 home remedies for dry skin
Healthy Living

Top 7 home remedies for dry skin

A skin that lacks moisture in its outer layer is known as dry skin. Another term used for dry skin is xerosis. It might be caused by aging, an underlying skin condition or environmental factors. Having dry skin can be uncomfortable and itchy. So, keeping dry skin moisturized is very important. There are a variety of home remedies a person can use to get relief from dry skin. Coconut oil Coconut oil has emollient properties, and the spaces between skin cells are filled by these emollients, thus creating a smooth surface. Coconut oil can hydrate and smooth the skin because of the presence of saturated fatty acids, naturally present in the oil. One can use coconut oil daily on even the most sensitive parts of the body. These include the area underneath the eyes and around the mouth. Another advantage of this oil is that one doesn’t need to mix it with anything. It is gentle enough for substantial everyday use. Oatmeal baths It is quite a common remedy for dry skin. Colloidal oatmeal has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the irritation. After taking an oatmeal bath, one must make sure that they moisturize the skin to lock the barrier.
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What are the best home remedies for hemorrhoids
Healthy Living

What are the best home remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are a painful condition when veins become swollen in the lower part of the rectum or anus. It causes extreme itching, development of painful lumps, painful bowel movements, fecal leakage, and rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum, and the patient cannot feel them as there are very few pain-sensing nerves in that region. External hemorrhoids form close to the opening of the anus. In most of the cases, symptoms subside on their own within a few weeks. However, in some instances, individuals need to visit the doctor for treatment. Approximately, 75 percent of Americans are diagnosed with hemorrhoids.   Home remedies for hemorrhoids Detailed below are some of the best home remedies for hemorrhoids. Warm baths : Indulging in a warm bath with Epsom salts helps in easing the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It reduces the swelling and irritation associated with the medical condition. Some experts also suggest adding apple cider vinegar to warm water for better results. Patients may consider taking a sitz bath for 20 minutes where a plastic container with warm water is placed over the toilet seat. Opting for this treatment after every bowel movement gives good results.
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Know everything about the causes and symptoms of rabies
Healthy Living

Know everything about the causes and symptoms of rabies

The mention of the word rabies brings mental images of a fierce, aggressive dog frothing in its mouth ready to go for the kill. Rabies is a viral infection that spreads among people from the saliva of animals. Not just dogs, but animals like bats, foxes, coyotes, skunks, and raccoons also transmit the virus in the United States. Animals infected with rabies transmit the virus by biting or scratching humans. By the time the signs and symptoms of rabies start to show, it is too late to save the person. The best way to prevent the disease is to get vaccinated against it. In the United States, between 1 and 3 people are infected by rabies annually. Several medical advancements, awareness and vaccination drives have reduced the incidence of the disease significantly. Effective treatment of the disease is possible only before the symptoms appear. Symptoms of rabies By the time the symptoms of rabies appear, it may have progressed to a fatal condition. Rabies affects humans in two ways: Entering the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and progressing to the brain Enters the muscle tissue and from here it enters the nervous system via neuromuscular junctions Once the virus invades the nervous system, it causes inflammation of the brain.
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Some common types of eating disorders
Healthy Living

Some common types of eating disorders

Eating disorders are usually considered as lifestyle choices, fads, or phases. They are not considered as serious disorders. People are commonly affected socially and psychologically if they have an eating abnormality. It can lead to life-threatening consequences. Eating abnormality includes those problems that cause abnormal eating. This generally starts from a severe obsession with food. Sometimes, extra concern for body shape or weight can lead to such severe consequences. In this article, some types of eating disorders will be mentioned. Anorexia nervosa This is a popular disorder that develops in adolescence affecting both genders in a population. In this particular condition, the patient regards themselves as overweight. They develop a habit of monitoring their weight and stop consuming calories even though they are underweight. This obsessiveness may turn into a relentless pursuit to reduce weight and unwillingness to believe that their weight is healthy. Such people face difficulties in consuming food in public, and they feel a strong urge to manage their food intake. People suffering from anorexia nervosa are classified into subtypes. The purging and binge eating type, and the restricting type. In the binge eating type, the person may develop a habit to eat little. Bulima nervosa This is an eating disorder that develops in an adolescent.
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5 ways to treat and get relief from dry eyes
Healthy Living

5 ways to treat and get relief from dry eyes

Dry eyes is a common syndrome that generally progresses with age. It may be caused due to several factors and can be completely cured with proper medication. When the dry eye syndrome is treated successfully a subject may notice comfort in the eyes. The symptoms get reduced and the vision, in turn, becomes sharper. After screening through the list of symptoms doctors may recommend a series of the treatment plan to get effective and quick results. In this article, several approaches to the methods of treatment will be discussed in detail. Artificial tears Generally, this is a treatment plan for mild forms of dry eyes. This mild form of dry eyes is usually caused due to straining of eyes due to uninterrupted computer work or reading. These OTC lubricating agents may be used under various brand names and variety of viscosity. With the administration of the thinner or less viscous drops directly into the eye, artificial tears are generated that are watery. Thus, there is no blurring of vision providing instant relief. Unfortunately, the soothing effect is short lived which requires it to be used frequently. On the contrary, the drops that are more viscous or are gel-like have a long-lasting lubricating effect.
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