Healthy Treat & Feeding Tips for Cats
Healthy Living

Healthy Treat & Feeding Tips for Cats

Just because there are unlimited food and treat options for your cat at the pet food store, doesn’t mean all of them are the healthiest choice for feline health. In fact, many store bought cat food and treats contain hidden sugars, empty carbohydrates, and excess sodium all of which contribute to adverse health conditions like diabetes, liver and kidney issues, arthritis, and heart disease in cats. Plus, many owners over feed and over treat their furry friends. While in certain cases treats can be used to help train a cat or to reinforce good behavior. Too many cat treats and too much cat food can end in obesity and afore mentioned health conditions. Here are a few rules to follow to keep cat meals and treats under control: 1. Treats are just that…treats The term treat implies that it’s given only on special occasions. Yet many cat owners overdo it in the treat department, resulting in added pounds that contribute to kitty diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, and more. According to the American Veterinary Association, treats should make up a mere 10% of any feline’s diet while a nutritious cat food should make up the remaining 90%. And that cat food should be filled with protein, healthy fats, and whole carbohydrates (i.e., brown rice).
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Nasal Congestion Treatment Options
Healthy Living

Nasal Congestion Treatment Options

Nasal congestion, better known as a “stuffy nose”, is caused when the membranes lining your nasal passages become inflamed and irritated. Tissues and blood vessels become swollen with excess fluid, making you feel that your nose is plugged. Colds, allergies, or the flu are common causes. A sinus infection or pollutants in the air can also irritate your nasal passages. Thankfully, several simple home remedies can be used to get relief: 1. Breathe steam  Warm, moist air can relieve the irritated tissues and swollen blood vessels as well as break up mucus. Humidifiers add moisture to the air by converting water into moisture and filling the air with it. Taking a hot shower can have a similar effect. The steam created by a hot shower can help thin the mucus in your nasal cavities and reduce the inflammation. You also can warm a pot of water and breathe in the steam. Cover your head with a towel and position your head over the pot. 2. Use a saline spray A saline spray is a safe, non-medicated way to help with a stuffy nose. The salt solution helps to moisturize your nose and thin mucus buildup. Inflammation of your blood vessels decrease helping to relieve the stuffiness.
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The Common Causes of Amyloidosis
Healthy Living

The Common Causes of Amyloidosis

When abnormal amyloid proteins build up in body tissues, this is known as amyloidosis. Amyloidosis has a wide range of causes that include both genetic conditions and those caused by aging. Because the proteins can build up in various organs all over the body, people can suffer from a wide range of symptoms and the cause cannot be confirmed without biopsy. This condition is fatal without treatment, and there is no known cure. There are nearly 200 different types of amyloidosis, but the three most common are known as light chain amyloidosis, autoimmune amyloidosis, and hereditary amyloidosis. Each type has different causes, different symptoms, and different treatments: 1. Primary Light Chain Amyloidosis This is the most common type of amyloidosis in the United States, and while it can be a side effect of other diseases, it frequently occurs on its own. In this form of amyloidosis, bone marrow cells produce abnormally folded proteins called light chains instead of antibodies. These light chains build up in organs in the body and cause lasting damage. The kidneys are most frequently affected, but light chain proteins also commonly build up in the heart, lungs, skin and liver. This form of amyloidosis originates in the bone marrow, so treatment is frequently chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant.
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How Cruise Vacations Are Good for your Health
Healthy Living

How Cruise Vacations Are Good for your Health

If you have never taken a vacation on a cruise line, then you are missing out on the treat of a lifetime. Cruises are for people who just want to relax in luxury and for those who can’t wait to dock and explore. Whether you want to explore Europe, the Caribbean, or any other locale, a cruise will delight you with sights, personal attention, and fine dining on these majestic vessels. There is another less talked about benefit for cruise-goers and that is your health. Here are some of the reasons why cruise vacations promote health: 1. Social stimulation Cruises are a great way to meet people. Whether you are looking to make new friends or to meet that special person, a cruise offers constant opportunities to socialize. There are on-board dances, fitness classes, and even offshore adventures. Being with people you enjoy boosts your mood and enhances your energy. 2. Stress free vacation where you get to be in control Forget about the stress of planning your own itinerary, on a cruise you get to choose your destinations and your daily activities. You can stay on the ship the entire time or engage in a wide variety of onshore destinations.
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Lung Cancer Symptoms that are Often Overlooked
Healthy Living

Lung Cancer Symptoms that are Often Overlooked

The signs and symptoms of lung cancer can be elusive. In fact, there’s no proven screening test to detect the disease in its early stages so many patients are only diagnosed once it has advanced and spread elsewhere. As with every cancer, early detection is crucial and treatment is more likely effective in the early stages. Lung cancer isn’t the only health condition that can cause these symptoms, so be sure to talk with your doctor for further assistance. There are some early and subtle signs that you may be developing lung cancer that can help you get an earlier diagnosis. Surprising lung cancer symptoms can include the following: 1. Fatter fingertips Certain types of lung tumors can produce hormonal-like changes and one of them pushes blood and fluid to the tissues of the fingertips. This excess blood and fluid makes the fingertips look larger or thicker than usual. Your nails might curve more than usual and the skin next to the nails can look shiny. Around 80% of patients who experience clubbed fingers have lung disease. 2. Mental health issues According to a Danish study, the risk of being diagnosed with small-cell lung cancer is higher for those who have experienced mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and dementia.
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The Benefits of Free Trial Contact Lenses
Healthy Living

The Benefits of Free Trial Contact Lenses

More than 45 million Americans require glasses or contacts for vision correction on a daily basis. Millions more love the idea of wearing contacts, yet have reservations that’s stopped them from making the transition from eyeglasses. If you’re afraid contact lenses will hurt, you’re not alone. Many folks worry that wearing contacts is too complicated or that contacts simply won’t suit their needs. The good news is that you can take advantage of free trial contact lenses and learn firsthand if wearing them is right for you, without any cost. Here are the many benefits of a free contact lens trial: 1. Submit a form to get a free monthly trial of contacts Anyone can request the free trial, although there is one free pair per household allowed. Many manufacturers offer free trials, sometimes for several styles of lenses. Individuals may take advantage of one or more trial offers. 2. Free trial offers do not require any commitments or future purchases Although the manufacturer hopes that you’ll like the lenses enough to purchase them in the future, that is never a requirement in exchange for a free trial. 3. Try an assortment of contact lens brands One of the biggest questions people have when transitioning to contact lenses concerns the brand.
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Viral Hepatitis Prevention: What to Know
Healthy Living

Viral Hepatitis Prevention: What to Know

Hepatitis C is a viral infection of the liver. This infection is transmitted through the blood and can lead to serious liver damage among other things. It causes liver inflammation and many other symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Dark urine, yellowing of the skin, and fatigue are also some symptoms caused by viral hepatitis C. The good news is HCV is usually curable by taking oral medicines over a period of time. Below are a couple of common questions and answers regarding Hepatitis C: 1. How is hepatitis C transmitted? Viral Hepatitis C is transferred from person to person via blood. There are several ways the virus can enter the bloodstream. Shared drug needles, tattoo or piercing tools that have come in contact with infected blood and haven’t been cleaned, blood transfusions, and unprotected sex are all ways this virus can be transmitted. 2. Main risk factors of hepatitis C You may be a high-risk factor if you have had a blood transfusion in the past, a recent tattoo, used drugs via needle injection, or had unprotected sex. Other common risk factors are having a spouse or partner that is infected, having HIV or a compromised immune system, or if you are a health care worker around needles often.
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How Hepatitis C is Spread and Contracted
Healthy Living

How Hepatitis C is Spread and Contracted

The hepatitis C virus is an infection that attacks the liver and causes inflammation. The majority of people don’t show symptoms of hepatitis C. However, some people may experience loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, or yellowing of the skin and eyes. It can be cured if you do go see a medical professional and they run blood tests to determine that you need medication. Hepatitis C can spread very fast so it is important that you know how it spreads so you can avoid it: 1. Sharing drug paraphernalia This is a frequent way that hepatitis C gets passed around from one person to the next is by sharing drug paraphernalia. A lot of people think that it is only if you share the needle. However, even if you share tourniquets, pipes, or straws, you are at risk. The tourniquets can easily get blood on them from someone else that used them while injecting. While the pipes and the straws can easily get blood from a dry nose or cracked lips. The best thing you can do would quit drugs but at the very least, make sure you aren’t sharing needles or pipes. 2. Non Sterilized tattoo and piercing equipment Hepatitis C transmission via tattoos or piercings is one of the most common ways among all age ranges and professions, that it is spread.
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Natural Remedies to Prevent Fleas
Healthy Living

Natural Remedies to Prevent Fleas

If you’re a pet owner, you know how difficult it can be to have a flea infestation. Fleas can cause a great deal of irritation for both pets and their owners. Some of the most common symptoms of fleas on pets include itchiness, red patches of skin, excessive licking, excessive scratching, areas of hair loss, and irritation. For pet owners, many people often experience itching and irritation. Fortunately, there are many different natural flea deterrents and DIY flea spray recipes that you can use to help get rid of fleas naturally: 1. Dish soap Dawn dish soap is one of the best ways to help prevent fleas and trap fleas in your home if you think you have an infestation of fleas. One of the best things you can do is to create a light trap to trap fleas. To do this you need to add dawn dish soap to a bowl of water and set up a lamp above the mixture to help attract fleas to the light. When they go to the light they will fall in the bowl of water and get trapped. Another way to help get rid of fleas on your pet is to give them a bath with gentle Dawn dish soap and warm water.
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Ancestral Tricks to Manage Dry Eyes
Healthy Living

Ancestral Tricks to Manage Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common and irritating phenomenon. If you suffer from dry eyes you may experience many of the common symptoms including scratchy and burning eyes, mucus in and around the eyes, light sensitivity, and redness. Other people often experience a feeling of having debris in their eyes, which makes it difficult to wear contact lenses or to drive. Dry eyes affect a large number of people, but fortunately there are many tricks used by our ancestors that you can use to ease the symptoms of irritating, dry eyes: 1. Natural tears eye drops One of the best ways to prevent and ease the symptoms of dryness of the eyes is to use natural tears. These fake tear eye drops allow your eyes to receive immediate moisture when you put them in. you can simply drop a few drops in each eye and the natural tear effect will help your eyes feel immediately better. One of the main benefits of using these natural eye drops is that you get immediate relief. They also can be used anywhere and are discrete enough to carry in your pocket or purse so they are very convenient. Natural tears eye drops contain ingredients only found in natural tears (i.e., lipids and Sodium Hyaluronate), and are free of preservatives so they protect dry eyes from irritation.  2.
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