5 Common Causes of Prostatitis

5 Common Causes of Prostatitis

Prostatitis refers to a condition in which the prostate gland swells and inflames. The common symptoms include blood in the urine, painful ejaculation, pain in the perineum, and pain when defecating and urinating. Patients often also develop fatigue and flu-like symptoms. Prostatitis can affect men of all ages, Prostatitis affects men of all ages, and depending on the cause, it may come on slowly or very suddenly.

Here are the causes and risk factors associated with prostatitis:

1. Infections in the bladder or urethra

The presence of infections, such as urinary tract infections, can increase the chances of developing this condition. This is because bacteria cause at least one form of prostatitis. These infections usually begin when bacteria in the urine discharge into the prostate. The continued accumulation of bacteria causes the swelling of the lymph nodes in the groin. Over time with the recurrence of UTIs, one can get chronic bacterial prostatitis.

2. Pelvic trauma or injuries

Injuries during activities, such as cycling or horseback riding, can result in prostatitis development. As a result of intense vibrations that occur, over time, they may irritate the prostate. As a result of this pressure, some urine may be stored in the prostate, then the bacteria in the urine can cause bacterial prostatitis. Furthermore, the trauma triggers the body to release chemokines which are responsible for the inflammation. This inflammation coupled up with swelling over time can lead to chronic prostatitis.

3.  Sexually transmitted infections

STIs, such as HIV, have been linked to increased chances of developing prostatitis. While no direct correlation between HIV and prostatitis has been found, studies indicate that it seems to increase the risk of developing bacterial prostatitis, or rather it may predispose patients to the developing prostatic abscesses that mimic acute bacterial prostatitis, in patients with existing HIV and AIDS infections.

4. Long term use of urinary catheters

A catheter is a narrow tube inserted into the bladder to remove urine. Some catheters can cause trauma to the urinary tract system. This can occur due to inadequate lubrication, which causes spasms that may irritate the prostate. Furthermore, the continued use of this tube can lead to the accumulation of bacteria leading to chronic bacterial prostatitis. Failure to clean the area in which the catheter is found increases the risk of infection. Some other complications, such as blood infection and UTIs, can cause acute prostatitis.

5. Previous prostate biopsy

A prostate biopsy refers to a procedure in which a doctor removes tissue samples from the prostate to test for cancer. During this test, some complications such as UTI may occur, which lead to the development of prostatitis. This is why patients are given antibiotics before and after the procedure. They are used to eliminate any chance of infections during and after the test. It is imperative to finish the dosage after a biopsy to ensure that prostatitis does not reoccur. The reoccurrence can be worse.

Most people may think that prostatitis is a form of cancer, but this is not the case. However, it should be taken just as seriously, which means that you should consult with your doctor immediately if you experience any symptoms. In addition, there are various treatment plans in place, such as the use of proaxil coupons RX that will help you recover and save you money.