5 Detox Drinks That Can Cleanse the Lungs

5 Detox Drinks That Can Cleanse the Lungs

The term asthma refers to a chronic medical disorder characterized by breathing problems. These issues typically come about through inflammation of airway tubes within the lungs. The inflammation and swelling restrict the pathways used to breathe in and out. In extreme cases, known as asthma attacks, people will experience severe chronic asthma symptoms that might even place their life in danger.

The following drinks can detox the lungs and provide a measure of relief or protection:

1. Ginger and turmeric infused water or tea

Ginger and turmeric are commonly used for both their taste and medical properties. Use of turmeric in particular dates back thousands of years. The main reason for this mixture’s effectiveness comes from its anti-inflammatory properties. Reduced inflammation in the lungs also means that swelling will be reduced. This counters the most dangerous and noticeable side effects of asthma.

2. Honey and hot water

Honey has been used in medicine as far back as the ancient Egyptian empire. Mixing about 2 teaspoons of honey into hot water will produce a potent and delicious tea that can protect some people against symptoms of sevre asthma. However, this particular remedy’s effectiveness is heavily dependent on what triggers someone’s inflammatory response. Honey mixtures are most effective against asthma issues caused by an allergic reaction to airborne particles. However, it also promotes salivation which will help keep anyone’s airways clear.

3. Green tea

Green teas are one of the best drinks to combat severe asthma. As with many other mixtures, green tea helps to reduce inflammation in the lungs. The tea also provides both caffeine and its close relative – theobromine. The two compounds work together to relax the lungs without creating the stimulatory excitation usually seen with caffeine. Green teas also provide a group of compounds known as polyphenols. These substances help to reduce the inflammation seen with asthma. On top of this green tea provides a wealth of other benefits. The EGCG found in this tea isn’t fully understood yet. But it’s speculated that this substance might help people fight off asthma and even conditions as wide-ranging as heart disease and cancer.

4. Cinnamon tea

Cinnamon is typically consumed before bed to help reduce asthma symptoms that might occur during the night. The main reason for its effectiveness is its ability to remove phlegm from people’s throats. Phlegm is produced to help our body get rid of irritants. But asthma sufferers typically experience an overly severe reaction which results in the overproduction of phlegm. This tea helps to bring phlegm levels back down to a healthy level.

5. Natural juices or smoothies with apple beetroot and carrot

One of the most important aspects of natural juices and smoothies comes from their nutritional components. Asthma takes a heavy toll on the body. People who suffer from the condition need to make sure that they’re getting enough of all the important nutrients while also staying hydrated. Natural juices help to take care of both of these important prerequisites of a healthy life. This particular combination of ingredients is a slightly enhanced version of drinks that were popular among ancient Chinese healers. It’s speculated that this mixture will help to regulate the immune responses which often fail to operate properly in asthma sufferers.