5 ways to treat and get relief from dry eyes

5 ways to treat and get relief from dry eyes

Dry eyes is a common syndrome that generally progresses with age. It may be caused due to several factors and can be completely cured with proper medication. When the dry eye syndrome is treated successfully a subject may notice comfort in the eyes. The symptoms get reduced and the vision, in turn, becomes sharper.

After screening through the list of symptoms doctors may recommend a series of the treatment plan to get effective and quick results. In this article, several approaches to the methods of treatment will be discussed in detail.

  • Artificial tears
    Generally, this is a treatment plan for mild forms of dry eyes. This mild form of dry eyes is usually caused due to straining of eyes due to uninterrupted computer work or reading. These OTC lubricating agents may be used under various brand names and variety of viscosity. With the administration of the thinner or less viscous drops directly into the eye, artificial tears are generated that are watery. Thus, there is no blurring of vision providing instant relief. Unfortunately, the soothing effect is short lived which requires it to be used frequently.
    On the contrary, the drops that are more viscous or are gel-like have a long-lasting lubricating effect. This may immediately cause a blurring effect on the vision and is the reason why these drops are avoided to be used in the daytime. Instead, they are recommended to be used before bedtime.
  • Anti-inflammatory eye-drops
    Restasis is a drug that contains an ingredient that reduces the inflammatory symptoms of dry eyes. Instead of lubrication, the eye is stimulated to produce natural tears that help in keeping the eye comfortable, moist and healthy. To seek the full benefit, it is recommended to use the drop for the initial 90 days. In the initial period, there might be a burning sensation that may fade over time.
    Dry eyes can be treated with another anti-inflammatory agent called Xiidra. It has been approved by the FDA to be effective against drying of eyes. Generally, doctors recommend using Xiidra maintaining a gap of 12 hours between each dose.
  • Steroid drops for the eye
    Inflammation is regarded as the potential cause of dry eyes. Generally, inflammation is also associated with burning and redness. The steroid is a short term drug that can give relief for the symptoms of dry eyes. Every brand of steroid drug has distinct potency. Generally, doctors prescribe using mild steroid so that they are limited in the eye and degraded easily.
  • Lacrisert
    It is a slow-release sterile lubricant that is generally placed in the lower portion of the eye. This is a solid insert that is generally made up of preservative hydroxypropyl cellulose that is a prolonged moisturizing agent by easily liquefying.
  • Punctual plugs
    These are a sterile device that is inserted into the puncta of the draining duct located in the upper and lower inner corner of the eyelids. Through this, the tear is prevented from being drained out. This keeps the tear intact so that the symptoms of dry eyes can be relieved.

Thus, these are the five common types of dry eyes treatment options one can depend on to get instant relief.