6 myths about weight loss debunked

6 myths about weight loss debunked

Weight loss is surrounded by many misconceptions. These myths can easily derail you from your efforts, and, at the same time, have bad effects on your health. Here are a few myths debunked so that you can lose weight in a safe and smart manner.

If you starve yourself, you will be able to lose weight faster
You might be surprised to hear that crash diets don’t help you in long-term weight loss and, in fact, they can soon lead to weight gain.

Crash diets are extremely difficult to follow . In the process, you even tend to miss out on essential nutrients. As a result, your body is low on energy and then you would start craving for high-sugar and high-fat food items. If you eat these, you will in no time consume more calories than you had actually burnt.

Carbs make you put on weight
Unless mixed with cream, butter, and other sauces, carbs alone cannot lead to weight gain. Whole grain carbs like bread, brown rice, and potatoes with the skins can be beneficial in weight loss as they have very high fiber content.

Detoxification is a great way for weight loss
Detox diets and crash diets restrict certain food groups and deprive the body of nutrition and adequate calories for a short period of time. When the body is deprived of nutrients and when the restricted foods are consumed again, the body tends to gain more. This way you are not losing but gaining a lot of weight.

All you have to do is reduce the number on the weighing scale
Don’t get too excited or too depressed when you see the numbers on the scale plummeting down or shooting up. Depending on how much food, fluid, or sodium you are taking, your weight can fluctuate every hour.

A scale cannot tell you the exact difference between temporary weight given by what your drink or eat and actual weight, which is the weight stored in your muscles and fat.

There are many aspects associated with reducing weight. It certainly isn’t just about losing weight in numbers. During a workout regime, you might put on a little weight but that might not be a bad sign.

For instance, when you are working out, small tears appear in the fibers of your muscles. As your body begins the repairing process of those tears, it retains a certain amount of fluid. So, what you see on the scale might be the water weight.

For losing weight, you may resort to supplements alone
There are countless supplements that claim to have a drastic effect on one’s weight and people forget that for supplements to show their effect, it is extremely important to consume the right amount of food.

Consuming fat makes you fatter
As long as your calorie consumption is well within the range of fat that you are meant to consume based on your body mass index (BMI), they will not make you fatter. If you eat fat in the form of junk foods, high-carb diet, or foods with high calories, you might put on weight.