7 Harmful Foods That Your Dogs Should Avoid

7 Harmful Foods That Your Dogs Should Avoid

Feeding dogs certain human foods can be dangerous and even fatal. Therefore, it’s important to know which foods are harmful to dogs. Contact a veterinarian if you believe your dog has consumed any of the following toxic foods or drinks:

1. Peaches and plums
Peaches and plums contain cyanide, a compound that is fatal to dogs. Apart from toxicity, peaches and plums contain seeds that can choke dogs. Also, pits and seeds can block intestines and the bowel. A dog may need surgery in case of intestinal or bowel blockages. Peaches have a hard center that can break or damage a dog’s teeth, causing nerve fractures.

Above are the seven toxic foods for dogs that should be avoided. Visit a veterinarian immediately when your dog starts to show food poisoning symptoms.

2. Avocados
Avocados contain the toxin, persin, which is considered safe for humans but poisonous to dogs. The toxin is present in the leaves, pits, bark and the fruit itself. Persin causes accumulation of fluids on the chest and lungs of the dog. The fluid buildup can cause breathing difficulties, leading to suffocation and even death. Fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen, pancreas, or heart. Avocado pits can cause digestive problems or choking when swallowed accidentally.

3. Grapes and raisins
Grape and raisins are toxic to dogs, especially sensitive ones. These foods can cause kidney failure, which is fatal in some cases. The toxic compounds in these foods remain unknown. Small amounts of grapes and raisin can negatively impact your dog’s health. Poisoning happens when dogs eat grapes and raisins as ingredients in baked goods or raw. Diarrhea, depression, fatigue, and vomiting are some of the symptoms of grapes and raisins poisoning. Signs of kidney failure include little urine production and excess thirst.

4. Caffeinated beverages
Caffeine is natural in tea, cocoa and coffee. Caffeine speeds the heart rate of dogs, stimulating the nervous system. Dogs experience vomiting, diarrhea, lack of bladder control, excessive thirst after a few hours of ingesting caffeine. Excess caffeine can cause lung failure and abnormal heart rhythm, which can lead to death. A few sips of caffeine is very dangerous, and you should avoid it.

5. Chocolate
Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, stimulants that affect a dog’s metabolism. Dogs can experience dehydration, diarrhea, stomach pain, and vomiting if they eat chocolate. The symptoms may lead to severe problems such as seizures, internal bleeding, heart attacks and even death. The level of severity depends on the type of chocolate and the size of the dog. Dark and unsweetened chocolates are more dangerous.

6. Dairy products
Just like some people, dogs can be lactose intolerant. Consuming dairy products causes various problems such as diarrhea, vomiting and other digestive issues. Also, dairy products can cause food allergies.

7. Onions and garlic
Onions and garlic contain harmful compounds that can cause anemia, gastroenteritis and red blood cell damage. The symptoms of onion poisoning may appear after several days and include weakness, lethargy and orange urine. Garlic is more dangerous than onions.