9 myths about breast cancer debunked
If one intends to acquire information on breast cancer, just doing a quick search on the Internet can provide one with a plethora of informational sources. However, it is essential to distinguish the reliable ones from the ones that list certain myths about this disease. In the following, some of the common myths about breast cancer have been debunked. This aims to provide one with reliable information about this disease.
Myth: Breast cancer can be genetically passed on.
Fact: The truth is that only a small percentage of breast cancer is believed to be hereditary, i.e., caused by the passing of anomalous DNAs from a parent to a child. Environmental factors as well as a person’s lifestyle have a huge impact on the occurrence of breast cancer. Therefore, not all cases could be hereditary.
Myth: There is nothing one can do to reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer.
Fact: The lifestyle of a person has a significant impact on breast cancer. Therefore, maintaining healthy body weight, exercising regularly, and decreasing one’s alcohol intake can lessen one’s chances of developing this disease.
Myth: Antiperspirant deodorants can cause breast cancer.
Fact: This is a myth that is not backed by any scientific evidence and research data does not show any link between deodorant use and the risk of developing breast cancer.
Myth: The chances of developing breast cancer reduce with age.
Fact: Breast cancers are more prevalent in women who are above the age of 50. In fact, a study revealed that 80% of newly-diagnosed breast cancer cases were in women aged 50 and above.
Myth: One cannot get screened if one has breast implants.
Fact: Women with breast implants should go for regular mammograms. One can contact the family physician who can refer one to a reputed diagnostic imaging center for a breast screening mammogram.
Myth: Mammograms are risky and ineffective.
Fact: Screening mammograms offer one of the best ways of identifying early signs of breast cancer. Usually, these tests help in detecting lumps around 2 to 3 years before a woman or their professional healthcare provider can provide a diagnosis.
Myth: All cases of breast cancers are fatal.
Fact: Not all cases of breast cancers are fatal. However, these can severely grow if left untreated and hamper the quality of life of the affected individual. Also, in some cases, the cancer may not cause any harm, but sometimes, a few cases may turn into a life-threatening condition in the future.
Myth: Wearing an underwire bra can cause breast cancer.
Fact: This is an absolute myth and no link has been found between underwire bras and the risks of developing breast cancer.
Myth: If a woman is pregnant, she can’t develop breast cancer.
Fact: Breast cancer is actually extremely common in pregnant and postpartum women. When a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding her child, her breasts get enlarged, making it more difficult to notice a lump or any other changes.
All these afore-mentioned myths and facts will help in having a better understanding of the disease.