Common Foods that Trigger Eczema

Common Foods that Trigger Eczema

Eczema is a medical condition that results from an allergic reaction when people consume certain types of food they are sensitive to. Many people in the United States have been affected by eczema. Symptoms vary according to someone’s age, and they can generally be a scaly skin or itchy patches on the skin. There is no cure for the disease yet, but its symptoms can be managed.

Here are some foods that cause eczema and skin sensitivities:

1. Gluten

Gluten or wheat contributes to eczema flares. Foods that contain gluten have been proven to cause eczema to many people with sensitivities. If you suspect that gluten triggers your eczema, you should start being keen on the types of food you choose to eat. Be sure to take only the “gluten-free” labeled foods and carefully select your ingredients to ensure they lack gluten before you partake them.

2. Canned foods

Dyshidrotic eczema is mainly caused by nickel that is contained in canned food. If you are sensitive to it, you should not take canned foods because some of them include high nickel levels. Nickel can exacerbate symptoms of eczema to people who are sensitive to it by displaying symptoms like small blisters that appear on the feet and hands. Many manufacturers usually use nickel in the production of cans that are used to store foods, so it would be wise to avoid Canned foods if you are sensitive to nickel.

3. Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk is the leading source of eczema flare-ups in small children. However, this does not mean that parents should eliminate milk products from their children’s diets. Elimination of milk products from children’s diets could result in severe vitamin deficiencies to the children. The milk elimination should selectively be done to children with severe eczema, with the guidelines of the child’s doctor on the substitute foods appropriate for the child. Fortunately, some children do eventually grow out of this eczema trigger.

4. Eggs

Eggs are also a common eczema trigger in young children and babies. If you notice your child is sensitive to eggs, you should probably avoid diets that contain eggs in general. Also, be on the lookout about dishes like bread or baked products that may contain eggs. Just like milk triggers, many children also grow out of egg eczema triggers as they become older.

5. Peanuts

Many people have an allergy to peanuts, which makes them have eczema, and they don’t know about it because foods that contain peanuts are hard to single out. If you suspect that peanuts could be causing your eczema flare-ups, maybe you should try considering an allergy test to know if it is peanuts that cause your eczema. If the peanut is your trigger, you should try to avoid peanuts and foods that contain peanuts as much as possible.

6. Fish

Fish is an outstanding source of fatty acids and omega-3 in the body and is highly recommended by doctors all over the globe. They help in fighting inflammation in the body. However, many types of fish could cause allergic reactions to many people like eczema flare-ups. It is highly advisable that before you try out any fish meal, be cautious until you know how your body reacts to them.