Early signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer
Thyroid cancer develops when the abnormal cells begin to multiply in the thyroid and form tumor after increasing in numbers. This particular type of cancer happens with the change or mutation of cells. Thyroid cancer is considered as the most common type of endocrine cancer these days. If diagnosed at the right time, this is the most curable form of cancer, even in its advanced stage. Women are more prone to thyroid cancer as compared to men, as they tend to develop it in their 40s and 50s whereas men are usually prone to it in their 60s and 70s. With the advancement and development in this field, effective treatments have come up which help in treating thyroid cancer and ensuring full recovery of the patient.
Types of thyroid cancer
As per research, thyroid cancer has been divided into four types namely papillary thyroid cancer (80% of thyroid cancer comes under this category), follicular thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer.
- Papillary thyroid cancer grows slowly but often spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck.
- Follicular thyroid cancer spreads in the lymph nodes and gradually spreads in the blood vessels.
- Medullary thyroid cancer can be detected at an early stage.
- Anaplastic is supposed to be the most severe type of thyroid cancer as it is very rare and the most difficult one to treat.
Early signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer
Since there are very few symptoms in the beginning and they are not always obvious, that is why it’s actually hard to notice them in the early stages of thyroid cancer. Some of the prominent symptoms not to be missed include neck and throat pain, lump in the neck and throat, difficulty in swallowing, persistent cough, unknown vocal changes, persistent hoarseness, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, sensitivity in the neck and unusual nodules or bumps on the neck. In case of any of the mentioned symptoms, a doctor should be consulted on a priority basis as these symptoms should not be ignored at any cost.
It is always better to be prepared beforehand for any such medical condition and that is why it’s equally important to understand the causes behind thyroid cancer. History of radiation exposure, family history of thyroid cancer, family history of breast cancer, being a woman in her 40s or 50s, iodine deficiency, and inherited genetic syndrome can be counted as some of the risk factors for thyroid cancer.
Treatment for this type of cancer usually depends on the type and stage of cancer. Surgery, radiation or chemotherapy are the usual options suggested, once the doctor diagnoses the condition of the patient accurately. It is also tested how far cancer has spread and how likely it is to recur. The patient might have to follow certain lifestyle changes and medications after the formal treatment is completed.