Effective home remedies to treat acne

Effective home remedies to treat acne

A common dermatological disease that affects people of all age groups and genders is acne. Unlike normal pimples, these can be infectious if pricked. However, the best part is that it can be treated. Medicines are available but they can come with various side effects. To avoid this, one can consider using home remedies which are simple yet effective. Some natural remedies that can help one get rid of acne have been explained in brief as follows:

Steam wash
One can consider using glycerin or grapeseed or sunflower oils for stubborn acne. Moreover, it is recommended to wash one’s face with lukewarm water rather than with cold water. The process of a steam wash has been explained in brief as follows:

  • Tie the hair tightly to ensure that no strands fall on the face.
  • Apply the selected oil on the face using the fingertips. Message it for around 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Wet the towel with hot water and put it on the face for only a second.
  • Pat the face dry; do not rub it as it can cause irritation.
  • This process can be done twice a day; however, one should do it mandatorily before going to bed.

Essential oil treatment
Treating acne with essential oils like tea tree, spearmint oils, peppermint, lemongrass, and rosemary oil has been effective since ages. These fight with the pimple-causing bacteria and heal from within.

  • As these oils can cause irritation if directly applied on the skin, it is better to prepare a mixture with one portion of essential oil and nine portions of water.
  • Use a cotton swab to apply it on the acne directly.
  • If your skin feels dry, you can moisturize it.

You can repeat this process once or twice a day, depending on the severity.

Hot water vapor
Inhaling in vapor helps in cleaning the congested pores and it can also help clean the pimple-causing germs more effectively. You can go about this process as follows:

  • Boil half a pot of water. Add a few drops of essential oils or herbs to it and cover it. Let it boil for another 1 or 2 minutes.
  • Place it on a table and take the steam on your face. It will be better if you can cover your head while taking the steam.
  • Take the steam as much as you can or till your face starts sweating.
  • Pat your face dry with a towel.
  • You can then wash it with a mild face wash and moisturize it.

Be careful not to spill this water on your skin as it can cause deep burns.

Green tea
You must be aware of the health benefits of green tea, but it is also useful for your skin if applied directly. It fights soreness and pimple-causing bacteria.

  • Boil a cup of water, add green tea to it. Take it off the flame and let settle for around 5 minutes.
  • Drain out the water in a cup and let it cool down.
  • Use cotton to apply it on your face.
  • You can leave it for around 10-15 minutes.

These home remedies can be effective in treating acne. If these do not work for you, you can always consult a dermatologist for more knowledge about various treatment options.