Know about the various symptoms and causes of asthma
There are many people in the world who suffer from asthma. Asthma is the condition in which your airways produce a lot of mucus while the airways have been narrowed and swelled. This implies that this is the ailment of the airways, which goes towards the lungs. Because of this ailment, you will feel difficulty in breathing and you will have difficulties in performing daily tasks. The intensity of asthma varies in different people. Some people suffer minor asthmatic attacks during which they find it difficult to breathe and the attack lasts for a short period of time. But, enduring an asthma attack is not an easy task for many individuals as they will not be able to follow their regular routine tasks even after trying a lot.
Mostly, when the lining of the airways to the lungs swells, it results in the tightening of muscles. Because of the tightening muscles, mucus fills the airways and this reduces the amount of air passing through the lungs. There are various reasons due to which you will suffer an asthma attack:
- Asthma attacks can occur because of several ailments like pneumonia, flu, etc.
- A heavy exercise can cause breathing difficulty and hence, this will also be considered as one of the triggers for an asthma attack.
- There are various chemicals in the air like strong odors, chemical fumes, and smoke, which are also known for triggering asthma attacks.
- Another common cause of asthma in various people is allergen like dust mites, dander, pollen, etc.
- Different weather conditions such as very high humid temperature or cold temperatures may also be a reason for asthma attacks.
- Sometimes, a lot of emotions also cause attacks of asthma in many people. These emotions could be anything like shouting, crying or laughing.
The symptoms of asthma may differ from person to person as everybody is different from one another and so is their body responses. Some people have symptoms of asthma only when their body is triggered by some of the causes. These people have symptoms like:
It is the most common symptom of asthma and people with asthma notice that this symptom may become worse at night or in the early morning. This symptom often can be treated with certain medications.
This is the whistling sound that comes from your airways while you are breathing. According to some people, when they don’t hear this whistling sound, that means their asthma is recovered. But this is not true as asthma remains even if there is no such sound coming from your airways.
Breathlessness is another common symptom of asthma, because of which you may notice that you are having an asthma condition. This symptom can make everything difficult for you even while sleeping, eating or talking.
Chest tightness
This condition is very difficult to cope with as you will not be able to take a deep breath because of it.
Asthma cannot be cured completely, but you can improve its symptoms with proper medications.