Natural skincare tips for oily skin

Natural skincare tips for oily skin

Oily skin is one of the most common problems among many people these days. Expensive skincare products and frequent treatments also prove to be useless for some people. This problem occurs when the sebaceous glands actively produce sebum. This results in a greasy and shiny-looking face. Oily skin also causes the occurrence of blackheads, whiteheads, and acne. However, there are plenty of natural skincare tips that you can adopt for healthy bright skin.

Cosmetic clay
Cosmetic clays are also known as healing clays. They help in the absorption of excess oil from the skin. Apart from this, they also help in healing many other skin-related conditions. It is a good option for people who like  natural skincare products  as it is quite absorbent and can be easily procured too. We highly recommend the green French clay as it comes in a powder form and is fairly easy to work around.

Honey is another natural item that you can use for good skin care. It is antiseptic and antibacterial in nature, which has proven to be a good remedy for acne-prone and oily skin. To help get rid of excess oil, you can simply apply a layer of honey to your skin. Let it rest for roughly ten minutes. Lastly, rinse your face with cold water and say hello to your oil-free skin.

Oatmeal is helpful for natural skincare as it is a great exfoliant and helps  reduce the inflammation of the skin. When used in facial masks, make sure it is ground well. To make a good pack, you can combine it with honey, yogurt or even any mashed fruit such as papaya, banana, and even apples.

Almonds, when ground, can be a great exfoliant for your skin. They help in removing excess oils as well as the impurities of the skin. To make a good almond face scrub, you would need to finely grind the almonds and mix it with raw honey. After this, you can simply apply it to your skin and then rinse it with lukewarm water.

Aloe vera
One of the best remedies to prevent oily skin is aloe vera. Aloe vera has been used for soothing burns and treating many other skin conditions. It also helps in the treatment of flaky/dry skin. Apply some aloe vera gel onto your skin and leave it overnight. Rinse it off the next day, and continue this treatment twice a week.

Blotting paper
Blotting paper, sometimes known as bibulous paper, helps prevent the sebaceous glands from being fully active. You can use them to bloat the oil from your skin. Since it removes the excess oil, it reduces acne and the greasy effect from the skin. One of the best things about this remedy is that it is quite affordable and it can be used throughout the day.