Risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

The pancreas is located in the abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the spine. The exocrine cells of the pancreas produce digestive juices to help in digestion and the endocrine cells produce hormones that regulate blood sugar. Any growth in the individual cells in the tissues of the pancreas that takes place in an abnormal or uncontrolled way, it can lead to pancreatic cancer. Most pancreatic cancers originate from exocrine cells, whereas the least common endocrine cancer originates from acinar cells.

Risk factors related to pancreatic cancer
The exact reason that causes pancreatic cancer has not been identified. However, certain risk factors have been identified that increases the likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer than the general population.

  • Genetics
    It has been reported that almost ten percent of people who suffer from pancreatic cancer have an immediate family member suffering from the same disease.
  • Pancreatic cysts and chronic pancreatitis
    Patients suffering from these diseases are likely to develop pancreatic cancer.
  • Obesity
    A study shows that pancreatic cancer is commonly found in obese people or those who have never indulged in physical activities.
  • Low level of lycopene and selenium
    Some studies show that patients with pancreatic cancer have low levels of these nutrients. However, no proof has been found out that relates these two events.
  • Smoking
    Smoking also possesses a great threat to developing pancreatic cancer.

Symptoms of pancreatic cancer
This disease appears to be painless in the growing stage, and thus if one feels the pain, the cancer is likely to spread outside the pancreas. Some of the common symptoms of pancreatic cancer are –

  • Fatigue
    It is an early symptom for patients suffering from pancreatic cancer.
  • Jaundice
    It is a common symptom for patients suffering from this disease. The reason behind this is when cancer grows it blocks the common bile duct and prevents the bile to flow to the intestine. As a result of this, the bile gets deposited in the blood causing jaundice. This blockage can also result in dark urine or light colored stool.
  • Nausea and vomiting
    People suffering from this disease also shows symptoms like nausea which are sometimes followed by vomiting.
  • Pain
    A patient can also complain about pain in the upper abdominal region or in the back. However, this pain is not constant.

Pancreatic cancer can also result in some overall physical changes like:

  • Weight loss and loss of appetite
    This can happen as patients might experience a sense of being full even before the consumption of any meal. Some patients are reported to experience uncomfortable swelling in the abdomen.
  • Increase blood sugar level
    One experiences the increase in blood sugar levels due to the inability to produce insulin by cancer infected pancreas.

Pancreatic cancer affects the digestive system as well the blood sugar level in a patient’s body. However, depending on the diagnosis and determining the stage of cancer, the treatment method is undertaken. Sometimes surgery is needed or can be combined with chemotherapy and radiation to treat the patients.