Six easy and effective tips to manage hemophilia

Six easy and effective tips to manage hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that reduces blood clotting. In other words, patients suffering from hemophilia tend to lose massive amounts of blood as a result of even slight injuries. The threat is more when there is uncontrolled bleeding internally. Therefore, hemophilia patients have to be very careful about their activities and prevent any undue injury or bruise. If you have hemophilia or you know someone who does, these tips are good to know:

Always carry hemophilia identification card/ bracelet
Patients suffering from hemophilia should always carry an identification card or bracelet. This helps tremendously in case of an accident or injury because medical personnel immediately come to know of their blood disorder and offer treatment accordingly. In case this does not happen, the patient’s life may be at risk because of excessive bleeding, internal or external.

Stay active to strengthen your muscles
Patients with hemophilia are especially encouraged to exercise regularly and take part in sports. This helps in strengthening muscles and reducing the chances of severe injury after a fall or impact. Biking, swimming, and running are absolutely safe for such patients because they are non-impact sports. However, certain high-impact sports like rugby, football, or skiing may have to be avoided if the doctor advises so.

Be extra cautious about preventing injuries
Hemophiliacs should take extra precautions to avoid any impact-related injury. This can be done by investing in good-quality biking gear, proper shoes, knee guards and elbow guards, and by wearing covered clothing.

Be very careful about medication
Certain medicines, for example, aspirin, heparin, and warfarin cause blood thinning and prevent blood clotting. These medicines should never be taken by hemophiliacs. Thus, it is extremely important for such patients to discuss their condition with the doctor before any new medicine is prescribed to them. Patients should also avoid taking over-the-counter painkillers without first discussing with the pharmacist because some of them have blood thinning or platelet-affecting properties.

Take good care of dental hygiene
Dental hygiene assumes very high importance for the patients of hemophilia. This is because an otherwise common dental condition like bleeding gums could be very severe in hemophiliacs. Patients should visit their dentist regularly and inform them about their condition so that precautions are taken to prevent excessive blood loss during dental treatments.

Plan travel carefully
Hemophilia patients need to be very particular about their medication and identification during travel. Ensure that you check for hospitals and dental clinics at the destination before traveling. This will help in managing any emergency condition if one arises during travel. Also, ensure that there is extra medication in your bag.

Although hemophilia can be a serious and life-threatening condition, it is possible to control and manage it by the tips mentioned above. In addition, hemophiliacs should never forget or skip their prescribed medication. It is to be noted that hemophilia can be of different types, and what is suggested for one patient might not be suitable for another. Thus, it is always a great idea to consult the doctor and discuss all concerns before making a change in habits or lifestyle.