The Best Foods to Eat With the Flu

The Best Foods to Eat With the Flu

Flu and cold activity is known to intensify in the colder months, and can last many months later, even until early Spring. The flu and cold season is nothing to take lightly as many never recover from their illness. Cold symptoms tend to be coughing, sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, and a throat that is sore. Flu symptoms tend to be headache, chills, fever, tiredness, body, and muscle aches, to name a few. 
An effective cold flu remedy helps to alleviate and treat these symptoms so one can return to optimal health. Of note are certain foods that help in cold and flu treatment

1. Ginger
This has the potential to alleviate the sore and scratchy throat during the flu. It can lower the inflammation in the throat and soothe the pain. It is also said to promote or speed up recovery from the flu and cold. This is due to it triggering the body’s resistance against viruses in the body and killing them. It can also be taken in multiple ways to treat a sore throat. Ginger candy lozenges, tea, even adding powder or seasoning made of this ingredient to your meals can help speed up your recovery

2. Citrus
The level of vitamin C in fruits of this nature is exceptionally high. Research has shown that intake of vitamin C can decrease the impact of flu and cold significantly. It also shortens the timespan of the illness. This is most beneficial as long as the vitamin is consumed before the symptoms begin to occur. One sizable orange contains more than 100% of the vitamin C your body will need in a day. Other citrus fruits such as tangerines, grapefruits, and mandarins are also high in vitamin C. They are at the highest availability, thankfully, during the flu season. Have it as it is or have them as freshly made juice

3. Lemons
A rich source of vitamin C, lemons help to do wonders for the body when sick. When fresh lemon juice is added to hot tea (recommended with honey), it can help clear up and lower how much mucus is produced in the lungs (phlegm). This will make it possible for you to cough it up easily and painlessly while giving your immune system the vitamin C it needs. Hot or cold lemonade is also suitable and beneficial

4. Chicken soup
Many of us can remember being fed a nice, piping hot bowl of chicken soup when we were down with the flu as children growing up. Research indicates that having this soup with vegetables helps slow the movement of a standard white blood cell type, which protects and defends the body against infection. When they move slowly, they will remain in the body areas that require the most attention or repair. It also slows the production of mucus. We can all appreciate this, as one thing most of us miss during a cold is the ability to breathe with ease

5. Garlic
This can help your body’s immune system fight harmful microorganisms and infections. It contains a compound that has antiviral properties. Adding it to your diet can potentially lower the intensity of flu and cold symptoms or even lower the possibility of your getting sick at all. Not only can it stop your illness, but it can also decrease the time that is spent being ill. It is recommended to use a good amount of garlic in meals, more than one piece if possible. Even crushing and eating or swallowing a whole clove is fine