The uses and side effects of Botox

The uses and side effects of Botox

Many people consider type-A botulinum toxin, or as it is generally termed, Botox, to only be a remedy for wrinkles. However, its application has gone beyond that for numerous years, including Botox being used as a treatment for many severe medical conditions. It was when Botox proved effective as a treatment for wrinkles while also being used for treating muscle spasms in the face that its application in cosmetics was discovered. An unknown fact is that Botox is a brand that distributes a purified form of type-A botulinum, which is, in turn, produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Apart from that, Australia is home to brands like Xeomin and Dysport.

Uses of Botox
Botox is injected in your skin for managing various types of facial wrinkles. Botox is usually administered in adults for temporarily dealing with the occurrence of the following:

  • Vertical frown lines
    Also known as glabellar lines, vertical frown lines develop in the middle of your eyebrows and are caused due to the contraction of the muscles underneath, which occurs when you concentrate, squint, or frown.
  • Horizontal forehead lines
    Also called worry lines, the horizontal forehead lines develop when the skin around the forehead area starts to thin. Other causes might include damage caused by the sun and facial muscle movements.
  • Crow’s feet
    Being a completely normal part of aging for every human being, crow’s feet are thin wrinkles and lines that start from the outer edges of your eyes and go up to your temples.

Apart from Botox, Dysport specializes in treating vertical frown lines and crow’s feet ranging from moderate to severe.
Xeomin is specifically designed for use against upper facial lines and horizontal forehead lines for adults, apart from treating the usual vertical frown lines and crow’s feet.

Side effects of Botox
The potential side effects of Botox are generally temporary and are confined to the affected area. These side effects include bruising, face pain, swelling, redness, drooping eyelids, headache, muscle weakness, skin tightness, numbness, nausea, and a sensation of pins and needles.

In some cases, the effects of Botox can also be experienced away from the injection site. It can potentially lead to severe side effects like problems in swallowing, breathing, or speaking due to a reduction in the strength of the associated muscles. It can be worse if you inject yourself with large quantities of Botox.

Preventive Botox
There is a significantly rising interest among young people regarding the use of Botox to potentially prevent lines and wrinkles rather than treating them. The thinking behind this is that starting the use of Botox at a young age could possibly diminish the risk of developing wrinkles altogether.

In the present day, the use of Botox for this purpose shows a serious lack of evidence. It is unknown as to what the outcomes it could lead to in the long run. Additionally, it goes without saying that Botox can be used for cosmetic purposes only by adults.