The Worst Cities to Live in for Migraine Sufferers

The Worst Cities to Live in for Migraine Sufferers

If you suffer from migraines, then you know that there are a lot of different factors that can trigger a severe headache. These factors can range from a bad smell that you come in contact with in an elevator to a change in altitude or weather. This means that there are specific cities to live in that are worse for migraine sufferers. Read on to find out which American cities are considered poor addresses for migraine sufferers:

1. Cincinnati, OH
If you’re suffering from head pain and you’re living in Cincinnati, Ohio, the early and often seasonal changes may wreak havoc on your migraines. The weather conditions here play a huge part in migrations since the city experiences all four different seasons. It’s beautiful to behold for most, but if you suffer from migraines, the drastic weather and climate changes may increase the frequency of your migraines

2. Little Rock, AR
With the rapidly changing weather and the lack of exercise options outdoors in often severe weather, Little Rock, Arkansas appears on the list of poor residence options for migraine sufferers. Little Rock is the most populous city in the state of Arkansas, which means traffic can be congested as well, and air pollution may be higher than less populous urban centers. To top that off, the large number of weather triggers here, including hot, humid summers with severe barometric pressure changes and frequent storms brewing, may make living here tough if you suffer from weather-induced migraines.

3. Knoxville, TN
Studies show that many residents of Knoxville, Tennessee, consume more migraine triggering foods than any other U.S. city. Migraine triggering foods can be described as those that contain elements that aim to preserve, however, they also may contain synthetic ingredients that often trigger a headache. Migraine-triggering foods enjoyed en mass in Knoxville are aged cheese, chocolate, pickles, and wine. If you catch yourself eating the foods mentioned in this list, you may want to avoid them to reduce the severity and frequency of migraine symptoms. 

4. St. Louis MO
St. Louis, Missouri is considered among the top worst places to live for migraine patients for the sheer number of prescriptions per capita that are written for this city alone. As one of the major metropolitan cities in the nation, St. Louis residents are largey commuters who drive a lot and exercise very little, on average. The weather also makes St. Louis a migraine no-no, thanks to unpredictable weather changes and extreme temperatures. As mentioned, research suggests that the city’s residents dietary and exercise choices are rife for migraine development, including diets comprised of migraine-triggering foods like Consumption of migraine-triggering foods, like cheese, chocolate, alcohol, coffee and smoked and deli meats (i.e., hot dogs and sausages). People also tend to work long hours and commute long distances to work, which  only adds to stress and potential migraines.