The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

There are a number of illnesses or conditions that may cause issues with breathing. For instance, infections, degenerative conditions, inflammatory lung conditions, and environmental effects can lead to symptoms of wheezing and tightness in the chest. Difficulty breathing is both a concerning and potentially dangerous issue as asthma and COPD sufferers can attest. Often, inflammation is the cause of breathing issues either of the lungs or of the air passages leading to the lungs.

In dealing with breathing issues diet can be a factor in mitigating symptoms, which is why many health professionals recommend avoiding foods, like these, that can exacerbate breathing troubles:

1. Excessive salt
The risks of excessive salt are well known with there being a danger of high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack with prolonged high levels. The reason salt can cause these conditions is the same as the reason it can worsen breathing issues, excess water retention. A high salt diet convinces the body that it needs to retain water in order to deal with high sodium levels. This excess water can be a contributing factor in inhibiting the efficiency of the lungs and subsequently the ability to breathe.

2. Cold cuts
Nitrates can have a big impact on worsening symptoms of conditions such as COPD. The European Respiratory Journal has suggested that nitrates have a proven connection with hospital re-admittance for COPD. Cold cuts such as ham, bacon and hotdogs are very high in nitrates. Nitrates are used heavily in the curing processes of these foods and are what give them extended shelf life. The cost of that shelf life is potential irritation of breathing issues.

3. Carbonated beverages
The impact of carbonated beverages on breathing conditions is two-fold. Firstly, drinking large amounts of carbonated sugary drinks contributes to weight gain. The result of heavy weight gain can be deposits of fat in the neck which can cause obstruction of the windpipe especially while sleeping. Secondly, the pressure in the stomach caused by carbonation leads to bloating in the abdomen which can also impact the lungs. Drinks such as soda, beer, sparkling wine or water are best avoided by those with conditions that inhibit breathing.

4. Dairy products
One contributing factor to breathing problems can often be mucus in the lungs which can inhibit their proper function. Although good for the body in many ways, milk has one major drawback related to casomorphin. Casomorphin is created as milk is digested in the body and this substance is known to promote the creation of mucus. In conditions that already create excess mucus the addition of dairy will likely worsen the situation.

5. Acidic food and drinks
Breathing issues can be one of the symptoms of COPD which is a condition that can be greatly aggravated by certain foods. This is certainly the case with acidic foods or drinks such as fruit juices, tomato sauce and heavily spiced dishes. The reason these types of food are bad is the potential for them to cause acid reflux, more commonly called heartburn. When acid backs up out of the stomach from acidic foods it can cause damage to the esophagus. The close connection between the esophagus and the windpipe means that chronic acid reflux can actually worsen breathing issues.