Using natural ingredients for preventing hair loss

Using natural ingredients for preventing hair loss

Hair loss has become an increasingly common occurrence in today’s world. Both men and women suffer from this problem, which not only affects one’s self-esteem but could also sometimes indicate an underlying health issue. While there are many hair loss products available in the market, it helps to supplement these products with natural hair loss remedies that are easily available in common kitchen ingredients. Today, we take a look at some common kitchen ingredients that double up as amazing natural hair loss products.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera has been acknowledged as a superfood for centuries by scientists. This amazing plant contains vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12 folic acid, and over 20 minerals, including manganese, magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, and iron. Applying pure aloe vera gel to the scalp has been known to soothe scalp rashes and prevent dandruff. Additionally, aloe vera also works as a natural conditioner. You can even drink aloe vera juice as a great health drink to improve hair and skin health.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil has been acknowledged by hair experts and doctors alike for its ability to fight hair loss. This amazing oil contains fatty acids that get absorbed into the scalp and prevent the loss of protein from the hair root. A coconut oil massage is one of the best remedies to stimulate hair growth. The massage also stimulates healthy blood flow to the scalp. In fact, many leading hair loss products contain coconut oil, so why not use it at its best natural form?

Omega fatty acids
Omega fatty acids are filled with natural protein to strengthen your hair. Anyone suffering from severe hair loss should definitely up their intake of this. Almonds and walnuts are extremely rich in omega fatty acids. Additionally, you can also ask your physician to recommend a brand of omega supplements for hair health. Consuming this will definitely lead to improved and lustrous hair growth the natural way.

Rosemary essential oil
Rosemary oil is known to counter hair loss effectively by stimulating new hair growth. In fact, this essential oil is so effective that it has been used by many hair experts to treat androgenetic alopecia. In fact, many shampoos, conditioners, and hair loss products contain rosemary oil as a primary ingredient. You can mix a few drops of rosemary oil into coconut or olive oil and massage the mixture onto your scalp. Additionally, you can also add a few drops of rosemary essential oil into your shampoo and conditioner for improved efficacy in fighting hair loss.

Onion juice
Very few people are aware of the efficacy of onion juice in fighting hair loss. Simply blend a few onions and squeeze out the juice. Apply this liquid onto your scalp and leave it in for around 10 minutes before washing. Onion juice improves hair keratin growth and can successfully fight alopecia areata if used consistently on the scalp.