What are the best home remedies for hemorrhoids

What are the best home remedies for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or piles, are a painful condition when veins become swollen in the lower part of the rectum or anus. It causes extreme itching, development of painful lumps, painful bowel movements, fecal leakage, and rectal bleeding.

Hemorrhoids are of two types: internal and external. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum, and the patient cannot feel them as there are very few pain-sensing nerves in that region. External hemorrhoids form close to the opening of the anus. In most of the cases, symptoms subside on their own within a few weeks. However, in some instances, individuals need to visit the doctor for treatment. Approximately, 75 percent of Americans are diagnosed with hemorrhoids.

  Home remedies for hemorrhoids
Detailed below are some of the best home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Warm baths : Indulging in a warm bath with Epsom salts helps in easing the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It reduces the swelling and irritation associated with the medical condition. Some experts also suggest adding apple cider vinegar to warm water for better results. Patients may consider taking a sitz bath for 20 minutes where a plastic container with warm water is placed over the toilet seat. Opting for this treatment after every bowel movement gives good results.

Witch hazel:  Witch hazel is a natural astringent that reduces pain, itching, bruising, and causes the swollen tissue near the anus to shrink. The Journal of Inflammation states that it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an effective product for alleviating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Patients may either buy the liquid form, or wipes or soaps with witch hazel compounds from local chemist shops. It is essential to note that witch hazel products should not contain alcohol as it may irritate the skin. A small cotton ball dabbed with pure witch hazel can be directly applied to the affected area.

Aloe vera:  According to a paper published in BioMed Research International, aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps to reduce the burning sensation near the anus during bowel movements, prevents itching and swelling, and heals wounds caused due to hemorrhoids. Aloe vera gel also has a soothing effect on the skin and has been prescribed by physicians since a long time. The National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health considers it safe for topical use. However, purity of the compound is essential for best results. Patients can extract pure aloe vera gel from the leaves of this plant and apply it directly to the hemorrhoids.

Ice packs:  Application of ice packs or a cold compress on the hemorrhoids also helps in reducing pain and inflammation. It helps to numb the area and temporarily provides relief from the burning sensation. Patients can take a few ice cubes, wrap them in a cloth, and apply on the swollen veins for about fifteen minutes.

The above-mentioned techniques are effective home remedies for hemorrhoids. Additionally, patients should drink plenty of water and consume a fiber-rich diet to alleviate the symptoms of this condition.