Dietary tips for renal cancer patients

Dietary tips for renal cancer patients

Kidney or renal cancer is a condition in which a tumor develops in the kidney. In most cases, renal cancer first originates in the small tubules of the kidney. Some of the common risk factors of kidney cancer are smoking, obesity, exposure to harmful chemicals, hypertension, and a family history of the same. Dietary tips Individuals with renal cancer need a proper diet that is well-balanced and provides the essential nutrients and energy to the recuperating body. In addition, chemotherapy and radiation therapy makes a person very weak, and, in several instances, patients lose their appetite. A common diet may not suit every renal cancer patient because diet selection also depends on whether the person has other health conditions like cardiovascular disorder or diabetes. There are some dietary tips that need to be followed for renal cancer patients: Eat small portions : It is not an essential requirement but, in most cases, treatment for renal cancer can cause vomiting or nausea, making it important to eat small portions to avoid any distress to the digestive system. Consume sufficient fruits and vegetables : Fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy diet. They are a rich source of fiber, especially soluble fiber, and contain antioxidants, vitamins, and several minerals.
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Warning signs of uterine cancer to look out for

Warning signs of uterine cancer to look out for

The uterus is a part of the female reproductive system. A malignant tumor in any part of the uterus is named as uterine cancer. There are many types of uterine cancers, depending on the location of the tumor and the part of the uterus affected by it. Some examples of uterine cancers are endometrial carcinoma, endometrioid carcinoma, carcinosarcoma, uterine sarcoma, and gestational trophoblastic disease. Women having uterine cancer may experience some signs and symptoms depending on the tumor type and stage. It is advisable to consult your doctor immediately if you notice any one or a few of these symptoms – Abnormal vaginal bleeding This is the most commonly observed symptom of uterine cancer. The flow can be watery and blood streaked or thick with excessive blood. Abnormal bleeding especially, during or after menopause indicates problems in the uterus. Women of reproductive age can experience vaginal bleeding between periods or irregular menstrual period with heavy bleeding. Foul-smelling vaginal discharge It may appear pink and watery or brown and thick. Difficulty and pain during urination This is a common symptom of urinary tract infections. However, if the pain and discomfort do not go away with medications and is recurrent it might be a sign of uterine cancer.
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9 myths about breast cancer debunked

9 myths about breast cancer debunked

If one intends to acquire information on breast cancer, just doing a quick search on the Internet can provide one with a plethora of informational sources. However, it is essential to distinguish the reliable ones from the ones that list certain myths about this disease. In the following, some of the common myths about breast cancer have been debunked. This aims to provide one with reliable information about this disease. Myth: Breast cancer can be genetically passed on. Fact: The truth is that only a small percentage of breast cancer is believed to be hereditary, i.e., caused by the passing of anomalous DNAs from a parent to a child. Environmental factors as well as a person’s lifestyle have a huge impact on the occurrence of breast cancer. Therefore, not all cases could be hereditary. Myth:  There is nothing one can do to reduce the likelihood of developing breast cancer. Fact:  The lifestyle of a person has a significant impact on breast cancer. Therefore, maintaining healthy body weight, exercising regularly, and decreasing one’s alcohol intake can lessen one’s chances of developing this disease. Myth:  Antiperspirant deodorants can cause breast cancer. Fact:  This is a myth that is not backed by any scientific evidence and research data does not show any link between deodorant use and the risk of developing breast cancer.
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Causes and signs of colon cancer

Causes and signs of colon cancer

Colon cancer is the cancer of the large intestine, which is the final part of the digestive tract. It begins as small, benign clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Over a period of time, they could turn into cancerous cells and cause colon cancer. Polyps may be small. This is the reason why most doctors recommend several screening tests to help prevent this cancer by identifying and removing polyps, in the beginning stage, i.e, before they turn into cancer. Signs of colon cancer It is generally seen that most people do not experience any symptoms in the early stages of this disease. Most symptoms often appear after cancer has grown or spread. Some symptoms and signs of colon cancer include: Changes in the bowel habits of a person, which also include diarrhea or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool, which has lasted longer than four weeks. One of the signs includes rectal bleeding or blood in the stool. Continuous discomfort in the abdomen, such as cramps, acidity, gas or pain. A slight feeling that your bowel does not empty completely. Weakness and fatigue. Weight loss Dark stools When symptoms appear, they are most likely to vary depending on the size of cancer and its location in the large intestine.
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Early signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer

Early signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer

Thyroid cancer develops when the abnormal cells begin to multiply in the thyroid and form tumor after increasing in numbers. This particular type of cancer happens with the change or mutation of cells. Thyroid cancer is considered as the most common type of endocrine cancer these days. If diagnosed at the right time, this is the most curable form of cancer, even in its advanced stage. Women are more prone to thyroid cancer as compared to men, as they tend to develop it in their 40s and 50s whereas men are usually prone to it in their 60s and 70s. With the advancement and development in this field, effective treatments have come up which help in treating thyroid cancer and ensuring full recovery of the patient. Types of thyroid cancer As per research, thyroid cancer has been divided into four types namely papillary thyroid cancer (80% of thyroid cancer comes under this category), follicular thyroid cancer, medullary thyroid cancer, and anaplastic thyroid cancer. Papillary thyroid cancer grows slowly but often spreads to the lymph nodes in the neck. Follicular thyroid cancer spreads in the lymph nodes and gradually spreads in the blood vessels. Medullary thyroid cancer can be detected at an early stage.
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Risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

Risk factors and symptoms of pancreatic cancer

The pancreas is located in the abdomen, behind the stomach and in front of the spine. The exocrine cells of the pancreas produce digestive juices to help in digestion and the endocrine cells produce hormones that regulate blood sugar. Any growth in the individual cells in the tissues of the pancreas that takes place in an abnormal or uncontrolled way, it can lead to pancreatic cancer. Most pancreatic cancers originate from exocrine cells, whereas the least common endocrine cancer originates from acinar cells. Risk factors related to pancreatic cancer The exact reason that causes pancreatic cancer has not been identified. However, certain risk factors have been identified that increases the likelihood of developing pancreatic cancer than the general population. Genetics It has been reported that almost ten percent of people who suffer from pancreatic cancer have an immediate family member suffering from the same disease. Pancreatic cysts and chronic pancreatitis Patients suffering from these diseases are likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Obesity A study shows that pancreatic cancer is commonly found in obese people or those who have never indulged in physical activities. Low level of lycopene and selenium Some studies show that patients with pancreatic cancer have low levels of these nutrients.
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Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, also known as NHL, is cancer in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system and comprises of lymphatic vessels that carry lymph to the heart. When tumors occur in lymphocytes, a type of white blood cells, it can lead to NHL. Cancers that originate in lymph tissue are considered lymphomas. There are different types of lymphomas. A majority of NHL is categorized as B-cell or T-cell lymphoma. The common types of B-cell lymphoma are large B-cell lymphoma and follicular lymphoma. The other types of lymphoma are Burkitt’s lymphoma, marginal zone B-cell lymphoma, and extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma. Causes and symptoms of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Physicians and researchers have not yet detected the exact cause of NHL. However, it has been found out that NHL is caused when the body produces too many abnormal lymphocyte cells that continue to grow and divide. Other medical conditions that increase the risk of this disease is an immune disorder, inflammatory bowel disease, genetic syndromes, psoriasis, family history of lymphoma, and Celiac disease. Different bacteria and viruses also increase the risk of such disease. The common symptoms of NHL are pain or swelling in the abdominal region, swollen lymph nodes, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and coughing, fatigue, weight loss, and fever.
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Facts to know about the causes and prevention of prostate cancer

Facts to know about the causes and prevention of prostate cancer

The prostate gland is present in the male body just below the urinary bladder. It is responsible for producing seminal fluid in males. Majorly, older males are more prone to acquire the condition of prostate cancer. There are some prominent causes of this disease and some prevention techniques, too. The causes and the prevention techniques are given below in a descriptive way as you can easily understand. Causes of prostate cancer The main cause of developing cancer in the prostate gland is due to the mutation of some cells present in the prostate gland. The abnormal cells divide rapidly causing the prostate gland to gain its size. The normal cells often die faster but the cancerous cells live. This causes the rapid advancements of the various stages of cancer. There is a prominent chance of cancer cell metastasizing from prostate cancer. Age : Ageing can be one of the leading causes of developing prostate cancer. History : Family history is vital for prostate cancer. You can be more prone to prostate cancer if someone has it in your family. Gene mutations of BRCA 1 and BRCA2 can also amplify the risks of developing prostate cancer in males. Obesity : Men who are overweight generally have higher risks of developing prostate cancer.
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Symptoms, risk factors, and treatment for multiple myeloma

Symptoms, risk factors, and treatment for multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a common form of blood cancer that affects the plasma cells. These plasma cells are found inside the bone marrow i.e. soft tissue inside your bones. Plasma cells make antibodies which help the body fight infection. However, in multiple myeloma, plasma cells make excess amounts of protein, which gets released into the bones and blood. A build-up of this excess protein leads to organ damage over time. Let’s take a closer look at the symptoms, risk factors, diagnosis, and treatment of multiple myeloma. Symptoms of multiple myeloma External symptoms of multiple myeloma rarely show up in the initial phases of the disease. Moreover, the extent of the symptoms varies between people. Some of the most common symptoms of multiple myeloma are as follows: Constant fatigue: As myeloma cells crowd your body, the healthy cells work twice as hard to fight the infection. This makes you tire out faster than normal. Bone pain and weakness: Myeloma cells prevent the formation of new and healthy bone cells. This may lead to severe bone pain. Low immunity: Fewer antibodies make it difficult to resist infections. Kidney problems: The excess proteins released by myeloma cause kidney damage and failure. Other symptoms:
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Main Types and Subtypes of Lymphoma

Main Types and Subtypes of Lymphoma

Main and Subtypes of Lymphoma Lymphoma is a cancer that affects the cells of the immune system. These affected cells can be found in the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow, along with other parts of the body. Lymphoma is split into two main types: Non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin types. The most common form of lymphoma is Non-Hodgkin’s. Hodgkin’s is the other yet rarer form of lymphoma, and both types respond to treatment in different ways. Lymphoma is often linked to diets high in red meat and smoking. Overall, lymphoma is highly treatable. Effectiveness of treatment is dependent on the type of lymphoma and the stage of the lymphoma. Lymphoma cancers occur in infection-fighting lymphoma whereas leukemia starts in blood-forming cells within the bone marrow. Let’s look at the subtypes of lymphoma: 1. B-Cell lymphoma B-cell lymphoma prognosis is dependent on the type. the treatment the physician prescribes, the patient’s age, and how far the tumor has progressed at the time of discovery. B-cell lymphoma is considered Non-Hodgkin’s disease and is broken into two categories, low grade, and high grade. Patients diagnosed with a low grade have a greater chance of recovery than those patients diagnosed with high-grade type. This type of lymphoma has its best chances of recovery in those patients that their lymphoma is found in stages 1 and 2.
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