Treating Non-Small Lung Cancer

Treating Non-Small Lung Cancer

In the U.S., studies have shown that lung cancer is among one of the most common cancers in both men and women. Generally, lung cancer starts when the cells of the lungs become unusual and begin to develop outside of abnormal control. Non small lung cancer (NSCLC) causes accounts for just about 85% of all lung cancer diagnoses. NSCLC is any type of epithelial lung cancer, other than small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). Non-small cell lung cancer is the most common type of lung cancer. There are several subtypes of NSCLC, such as adenocarcinomas. Adenocarcinoma account for about 50% of all lung cancer diagnosis. The other two subtypes which make up a majority of the additional 50% of lung cancers are squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinomas and large cell (undifferentiated) carcinomas, which are similar to small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Adenosquamous carcinomas and sarcomatoid carcinomas are not as common. Certain risk factors, both preventative and not unpreventable, can circumvent a person’s chance of getting non-small cell lung cancer. Smoking is a high-risk factor that can be prevented with the cessation of smoking. However, circumstances such as genetics and family history cannot be changed, but are known risk factors. Preventative check-ups with a geneticist, oncologist, or specialized pulmonologist can help monitor and treat for risk factors that may develop.
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4 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

4 Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that affects men, especially those who are over the age of 50. While traditional drug treatments such as XTANDI, Mogamulizumab, Radium injections, ERLEADA, Vectibix, Relugolix oral, and Ibrutinib can be effective in treating prostate cancer, early detection is critical for better outcomes. In this article, we will explore the early signs of prostate cancer that you should be aware of: 1. Problems urinating Difficulty in urinating or frequent urination is one of the most common early signs of prostate cancer. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, which carries urine from the bladder out of the body. When the prostate gland is enlarged due to cancer, it can press against the urethra and cause problems with urination. 2. Blood in the urine or semen Another early sign of prostate cancer is the presence of blood in the urine or semen. This symptom can be alarming and should be evaluated by a doctor immediately. While blood in the urine or semen can be caused by other conditions, such as infections or kidney stones, it is essential to rule out prostate cancer as a potential cause. 3. Pain in the hips, back, and spine Prostate cancer can also cause pain in the hips, back, or spine.
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Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer During Menopause

Breast cancer is a prevalent disease among women, and menopause is a time when women may be at higher risk. Therefore, it is essential to be aware of the early warning signs of breast cancer during menopause. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment, which may involve medical treatments for breast cancer such as hormone therapy, gene testing, or HER2 targeted therapy. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) breast cancer screening guidelines also recommend regular screening for women in this age group. In this listicle, we will discuss the early warning signs of breast cancer during menopause and how to recognize them: 1. Lumps A lump in the breast is often one of the first signs of breast cancer. The lump may feel hard or rubbery and may be painless or tender to the touch. However, not all lumps are cancerous, and some benign conditions, such as cysts or fibroadenomas, can also cause lumps in the breast. 2. Thickening or swelling of the breast Breast cancer can cause thickening or swelling of the breast tissue. This may occur in one breast or both and can be accompanied by a lump or not. The breast may feel heavier than usual, and there may be changes in the shape or size of the breast.
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6 Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer

6 Early Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer develops from growths, or polyps, in the colon’s inner lining. It is important to catch precancerous polyps and have them removed—if left untreated, the cancer may spread throughout the body. Catching it early on also makes treatments like the colon cancer clinical trials with MD Anderson, medications like Opdivo, and the Vectibix immunotherapy treatment much more effective. It’s valuable to be aware of these early symptoms of colon cancer: 1. Blood in stool While blood in stool may not always be colon cancer, it is certainly a reason for concern. If you notice blood in your stool, after wiping, or your stool is a dark or bright red, it is important that you check in with your healthcare provider. 2. Changes in bowel movements and habits If you have chronic diarrhea or constipation, or you feel as though your bowels are still full after using the restroom, you should speak to your healthcare provider. Any abnormal changes in your bowel movements or habits should not go unnoticed or unreported. 3. Abdominal pain Many things can cause abdominal pain; however, it is an early symptom of colon cancer. With polyps, constipation, or bloating (all are results of colon cancer), it is likely that you will experience abdominal pain.
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