Diagnosing and treating melanoma skin cancer
Health Conditions

Diagnosing and treating melanoma skin cancer

Melanoma is a form of skin cancer that affects the melanocytes – the cells in the basal layer of the epidermis, that produce melanin (the pigment that colors a person’s skin). Melanoma can also occur in the mouth, nose, anus, and vagina. Rarely, melanoma affects the eyes and internal organs. Melanoma skin cancer accounts for about 1% of all skin cancer cases in the country and has the highest mortality rate. The number of melanoma skin cancer cases has risen rapidly over the last 30 years. There has been a 3% increase in cases in men and women aged over 50 years. A little less than 10,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in 2019. The exact cause of most forms of skin cancer is still unknown. Higher incidence of skin cancer such as melanoma occurs in people who are regularly exposed to sunlight or use sun and tanning lamps that use ultraviolet rays. It is suggested that long exposure to UV rays damages the DNA of cells and the cells undergo mutation. These abnormal cells tend to multiply rapidly, at a rate faster than normal cells. The existing cells are pushed out by the damaged cells, which form lesions or tumors on the skin surface.
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Duodenal ulcer – Causes and symptoms
Health Conditions

Duodenal ulcer – Causes and symptoms

A peptic ulcer is of two forms – gastric and duodenal. It refers to an inflammation on the lining of the stomach. The only different about both forms is that they affect different parts of the digestive tract. The ulcer that is formed in the stomach is called gastric ulcer, while the ulcer that is formed in the duodenum is called duodenal ulcer. Basically, stomach acids contribute to ulcers. Although spicy foods and stress are some of the causes of ulcer, the other major causing agents of duodenum ulcer include Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) Research shows that almost 90 percent of duodenal ulcer is caused by the bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). It is an infectious bacteria which is mostly caught from infected food and body fluids. The bacteria can cause inflammation on the lining of your duodenum and an ulcer can be formed. Earlier, researchers believed that H. pylori spread through contaminated food or water, or through contact with vomit or stool of an infected person. But, the fact is H. pylori is also found in saliva, which means the infection could spread through direct contact with saliva. Research shows that 9 out of 10 ulcers are caused by H.
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Osteoarthritis – Dos and don’ts
Health Conditions

Osteoarthritis – Dos and don’ts

Osteoarthritis can cause moderate to severe pain that can often be debilitating. When left untreated, osteoarthritis can severely impact the quality of life of an individual leading to very limited mobility and range of movement. However, while osteoarthritis is a common musculoskeletal pain condition, its diagnosis and treatment are varied depending on the age, severity of damage and pain symptoms, lifestyle, occupation and general health status of the individual. Herein, we discuss some general guidelines on what to do and not do if you suffer from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is caused by the degeneration of the protective cartilage that enables the free and fluid movement of the knee joint. Repeated weight bearing movements strain the knee joints leading to wear and tear. While one might feel that without pain there is no gain and so try to be overzealous in exercising for health, you must remember that in the case of osteoarthritis pain, it is preferable to reduce the strain to the affected knee joint as much as possible. While maintaining an optimum weight is essential, do take care not to strain the joint. Often the symptoms of osteoarthritis start off as merely stiffness but develop over time into pain. Hence, it is important to pay attention to any discernible change in one’s mobility, gait or flexibility both when walking and when seated.
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Symptoms and complications of Tourette syndrome
Health Conditions

Symptoms and complications of Tourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a problem with the nervous system that leads to repetitive movements or unwanted sounds (tics) that can’t be controlled easily. This syndrome starts in childhood. The primary symptom of Tourette syndrome is tics. Other symptoms and complications of Tourette syndrome are: Symptoms associated with simple motor tics The most common simple motor tic is continual eye blinking. Other symptoms are leg tapping, grimacing, head jerking, and shrugging. Symptoms associated with complex motor and vocal tics Complex motor and vocal tics usually involve more muscles and more complicated movements. Some examples of this are shrugging combined with head jerking. Symptoms of complex motor tics Echopraxia (imitation of another person’s action), sniffing objects, touching other people, and few self-harming behaviors like banging the head or biting the lip are examples of complex motor tics. Symptoms of complex vocal tics Echolalia and coprolalia are the most common types of complex vocal tics. Echolalia refers to the meaningless repetition of another person’s spoken word. Coprolalia is the involuntary and repetitive use of obscene language (loud swearing and cursing). It is a rare symptom that affects about 1 in 10 people with Tourette syndrome. Other behavioral complications People with Tourette syndrome may also have other conditions that affect their behavior.
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Know about the various symptoms and causes of asthma
Health Conditions

Know about the various symptoms and causes of asthma

There are many people in the world who suffer from asthma. Asthma is the condition in which your airways produce a lot of mucus while the airways have been narrowed and swelled. This implies that this is the ailment of the airways, which goes towards the lungs. Because of this ailment, you will feel difficulty in breathing and you will have difficulties in performing daily tasks. The intensity of asthma varies in different people. Some people suffer minor asthmatic attacks during which they find it difficult to breathe and the attack lasts for a short period of time. But, enduring an asthma attack is not an easy task for many individuals as they will not be able to follow their regular routine tasks even after trying a lot. Mostly, when the lining of the airways to the lungs swells, it results in the tightening of muscles. Because of the tightening muscles, mucus fills the airways and this reduces the amount of air passing through the lungs. There are various reasons due to which you will suffer an asthma attack: Asthma attacks can occur because of several ailments like pneumonia, flu, etc. A heavy exercise can cause breathing difficulty and hence, this will also be considered as one of the triggers for an asthma attack.
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Signs & symptoms of menopause
Health Conditions

Signs & symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a process in which a woman ceases to be fertile or menstruate. It’s pretty normal and is not considered as a condition or a disease. There are symptoms that may occur years before a woman’s final period. Some women experience these symptoms for months or years afterward. The average age of menopause is considered to be between 45 to 55 years. Despite being a natural process, menopause causes drastic changes in the body and can trigger severe symptoms. Signs and symptoms Menopause is a natural change in the body and causes symptoms such as hot flashes. Menopause has a tendency to trigger some profound changes in a woman’s body. As a diagnosis, menopause is confirmed when a woman has not gone through a menstrual period for over a year. The symptoms of menopause usually appear prior to the end of that one-year period. Irregular periods The first noticeable symptom of menopause is the change to the menstrual pattern. Some may experience a period every 2 to 3 weeks, whereas others will not menstruate at all for months at a time. Lower fertility Perimenopause occurs 3 to 5 years before a woman experiences menopause. During this stage, a woman’s estrogen levels drop significantly, which reduces her chances of conceiving.
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An overview of cystic fibrosis
Health Conditions

An overview of cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder which affects almost a thousand people in the country every year. Due to this genetic disease, a person may face a high risk of severe damage to the lungs and other body organs. Normally, the mucus, sweat, and other digestive fluids secreted by the body are thin and slippery. These body fluids help in ensuring that the body systems function smoothly. But when a person develops cystic fibrosis, these body fluids become thick and glue-like. They may obstruct the passages, tubes, and ducts in the body. Causes of cystic fibrosis Cystic fibrosis is not a communicable disease. It can be caused due to a change in the gene called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). This defect in the gene can cause a change in the CFTR protein, which helps in the regulation of salt in the cells. Due to this, the body fluids may become thick. Additionally, it increases the salt content in the sweat. If a person inherits only one mutated copy of the faulty gene, then they will become carriers of the disease and will not exhibit any symptoms of this condition. When a person inherits a mutated copy from both the parents, they will show symptoms of this disease.
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Things you need to know about sleep apnea
Health Conditions

Things you need to know about sleep apnea

Do you feel asleep during day time? Are you able to sleep continuously for six hours throughout the night? Are you restless during the night? Is your partner really tired with your loud snoring? If you observe these symptoms with you, wait and confirm whether it is sleep apnea. The Greek word “apnea” virtually relates with “without breath.” Apnea is related to involuntary pause of respiratory functions that happens when the patient is asleep. Symptoms of sleep apnea Sleep apnea is a sleep disease attributed by pauses in breathing or episodes of shallow breathing during sleep. Every pause will last for a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes and that will be repeated for many days. In many apnea patients, this follows with loud snoring. There is also a possibility of a choking or snoring sound as respiratory functions stop during sleep. These conditions disrupt traditional sleep, patients could experience tired feeling throughout the day. It is dangerous for students and working individuals because it will have an effect on their work performance as it reduces concentration. Types of sleep apnea Impeding Central Mixed All the three types of sleep apnea are characterized by repeated interrupted respiratory functions throughout their sleep, generally for a second or longer.
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A brief guide to eczema
Health Conditions

A brief guide to eczema

Eczema is the medical term for a group of conditions that cause inflammation of the skin. Usually, eczema makes the skin itchy, red, dry, and sometimes even cracked and leathery. Eczema can develop on any part of the body, and it is a chronic problem for many people. It’s most common in infants, and many outgrow it before they reach adulthood. People with eczema have a higher risk of developing allergic conditions like hay fever or asthma. Causes Eczema usually runs in the family. Due to certain genes, people may have extra-sensitive skin. Even an overactive immune system plays a role in the development of this condition. Some studies are also trying to discover if certain skin defects contribute to the development of eczema by allowing the germs to enter the skin and letting the moisture escape. Conditions that may trigger eczema: Heat and sweat Stress Cold and dry climates Contact with substances like synthetic fabrics, wool, and soap Dry skin Symptoms In the beginning, an individual may experience an itching sensation and a rash appears after this. Typically, eczema presents itself as: Patches of itchy, dry, and thickened skin found on the neck, hands, face, and legs. In children, the inner creases of the elbows and knees are often involved.
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A guide to preventing hepatitis
Health Conditions

A guide to preventing hepatitis

Hepatitis is a swelling of the liver that can lead to other deadly diseases like fibrosis or liver cancer. Though the virus hepatitis is the common reason for this disease, there are other factors like infections, poisonous substances, and certain other conditions that can also be responsible. Hepatitis can be of five types: A, B, C, D, and E. 1. Prevention measures Different type of hepatitis spread in different ways, so it’s important to first understand the different types while learning about the prevention measures. 2. Know how it spreads It is infectious, and it passes through blood or stool. A person infected by type A and E can expel it through the stool. You will also be affected by either the type A or E if you consume contaminated food or water. The types B, C, and D are spread mainly through infected blood. So, if you somehow come in contact with the blood of a person suffering from any of these types, you will be infected with either of it. Though sexual transmission is rare, still it is a path of exposure to type B. 3. Get immunization Vaccines are available in different doses to prevent hepatitis A and B.
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