Diagnosis and treatment  of lupus
Health Conditions

Diagnosis and treatment of lupus

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. It occurs when the body’s immune system starts damaging its own tissues and organs. Lupus is a traumatizing condition which can affect different body parts, such as the skin, kidneys, joints, brain, heart, blood cells, and lungs. The diagnosis of this condition is not easy as the symptoms often resemble those of other diseases. The most typical symptom of lupus is a strange facial rash which looks like the wings of a butterfly. In some cases, lupus is caused due to genetics, whereas in others, it may be due to certain medications, infections due to other causes or even sunlight. Diagnosis of lupus Diagnosing this disease is extremely difficult as the symptoms largely vary from person to person. Generally, a combination of clinical tests is used for diagnosing lupus and evaluating the signs and symptoms. The most common tests include: Complete blood count This test is used for measuring the count of white and red blood cells in the body, as well as the amount of hemoglobin. Results are used to evaluate if you have anemia, which is a common symptom of lupus. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate This is a blood test which determines the rate at which the RBCs settle at the bottom of a tube.
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Triggers and treatment options of Asthma
Health Conditions

Triggers and treatment options of Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the airways i.e. bronchial tubes, which get inflamed or swollen, due to an allergic reaction and restrict the normal air supply. The airways swell and become extremely sensitive to some substances a person might inhale. The most common type of asthma is bronchial asthma that affects the bronchi in the lungs. The other forms of asthma are childhood asthma and adult-onset asthma. Common triggers of asthma Following are some reasons due to which asthma is triggered- Allergic Asthma Different types of food, pollen, dust, animals like cats and dogs are some causes that trigger this type of asthma. Non-Allergic Asthma Irritants in the air like burning wood, cold air, air pollution, air fresheners, and perfumes trigger this type of asthma. Occupational Asthma This type of asthma is usually triggered in certain workplaces and areas by industrial chemicals, gases, and fumes, dust etc. Symptoms of Asthma Coughing, especially at night or during laughing or exercising Tightness in the chest Shortness of breath Fatigue Wheezing or whistling sound made while breathing Causes and diagnosis It is believed that this condition is caused by a variety of factors like genetics, hygiene, allergen exposure, and emotions. There is no certain diagnosis of asthma.
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Diagnosis and treatment options of dementia
Health Conditions

Diagnosis and treatment options of dementia

Dementia is a condition that is characterized by a group of symptoms which are associated with a decline in presence of mind and memory. There are several symptoms that help identify the occurrence of the condition. Here is how you can diagnose yourself of the condition, and seek treatment for dementia. Diagnosis of dementia The diagnosis of dementia is a challenging task. The reason being, for dementia to be diagnosed, at least two core mental functions have to impair at a stage where it interferes with daily life. The mental functions include language skills, the ability to reason and problem-solving, memory, visual perception and ability to pay attention and focus. The doctor will review the patient’s symptoms and medical history and then conduct a series of physical examinations. The patient’s relatives and friends can also be called and asked for details. A single test alone cannot detect dementia or the type of dementia. Thus, a series of tests are conducted to find the problem. Cognitive and neuropsychological tests In this test, the patient’s cognitive (thinking) function is evaluated. Thinking skills like orientation, memory, reasoning, judgment, attention, and language skills are measured via this test. Brain Scans Either a CT scan or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is done to check for evidence of bleeding or stroke or hydrocephalus or tumor.
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Causes and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis
Health Conditions

Causes and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a complication that occurs when a thrombus (a blood clot) forms in the deep veins of a human body. It can occur in one or more veins and usually manifests in the legs. It can lead to severe pain in legs or swelling, however, it can also occur without showing any symptoms. In many cases, it has been observed that deep vein thrombosis occurs due to certain medical conditions, which affect the way a person’s blood clots. It has also been observed in people who do not move for long periods of time, such as when a person is confined to a bed due to an accident or a complex surgery. Deep vein thrombosis is a complex condition that needs to be taken seriously, as the clot can easily break loose in veins and travel through the bloodstream to get lodged in lungs or other vital organs of the body, resulting in pulmonary embolism (blocking of blood flow). Symptoms of DVT The various signs and symptoms of deep vein thrombosis are: Persistent swelling in the affected leg. Sometimes, the swelling can be in both the legs. Pain in legs can also be experienced. It is usually observed that the pain originates from the calf region and can feel like soreness or cramping.
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Stages and warning signs of COPD
Health Conditions

Stages and warning signs of COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung disorder that causes grave breathing issues. It is a serious medical condition that also includes therapeutic illnesses such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema. As per a report released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 15 million American people are dealing with the condition of COPD currently. Stages of COPD Broadly, there are four stages of COPD. With each progressing stage, the amount of air flowing through your lungs decreases, making it even harder to breathe. The classification of the various stages depends upon a lung function test known as the FEV1 test. The test measures the amount of air that you can forcefully expire from your lungs in one second. The results are then compared to what is expected from healthy lungs of the same age. As per The Lung Institute, the criteria for every stage of COPD are as shown below: Stage 1 Mild COPD – FEV1 ≥ 80% Stage 2 Moderate COPD – FEV1 from 50 to 79% Stage 3 Severe COPD – FEV1 from 30% to 49% Stage 4 Very severe COPD – FEV1 <30% During the initial stages of the disease, the chronic symptoms such as shortness of breath with exertion, excess sputum, chronic cough, dyspnea, fatigue, wheezing, increased yellow and green mucus production and decreased levels of oxygen in the bloodstream may not be present.
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How to stay fit despite having diabetes
Health Conditions

How to stay fit despite having diabetes

We all want to stay physically active, as it helps in controlling blood glucose level effectively, but then again, diabetics need to be extra careful. Exercising safely is essential for them, to avoid spells of dizziness, blackouts, nausea or shortness of breath, as diabetes is often associated with other health concerns like thyroid issues, nerve problems, and heart ailments. This article discusses four effective tips for people with diabetes so that they can stay fit and exercise safely. Always get a “runway” check It is important that you consult your doctor before changing or starting a new fitness regime. This becomes even more crucial if you have a history of cardiac disorders, diabetic neuropathy, or are overweight. As per the current health recommendations, one should get a full body physical exam and if possible, get a stress test (mostly recommended for people more than 35 years old, or people who have had diabetes for a decade or more). Using the stress test, doctors can understand your blood pressure variation and heart performance when you walk on a treadmill for a pre-determined time. After gauging all the relevant parameters, the doctors can determine the best course of action for you to change your physical activity.
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Rosacea &#8211; Types, treatments, and prevention
Health Conditions

Rosacea – Types, treatments, and prevention

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder characterized by small and red bumps on the skin, especially of the skin surfaces of cheeks, forehead, and nose. These bumps are filled with pus and cause pain and discomfort to the affected individual. According to one estimate, approximately 16 million people in the country suffer from rosacea. The causes of rosacea are not yet fully understood and there is no permanent cure either. The symptoms of rosacea are often cyclical and remain for a few weeks or months before they disappear. Types Rosacea is broadly categorized into the following four types: Subtype one It is also known as erythematotelangiectatic rosacea or ETR. In ETR, the bumps typically appear on the facial area causing redness and flushing. The blood vessels are visible. Subtype two It is called acne or papulopustular rosacea and generally affects middle-aged women and is characterized by acne-like structures on the skin. Subtype three It is called rhinophyma and is one of the rare types of rosacea. It causes thickening of the skin of the nose, typically affects men, and often comes with other types of rosacea. Subtype four This type of rosacea affects the skin around the eye and called ocular rosacea.
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Symptoms of bipolar disorder
Health Conditions

Symptoms of bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition where the patient experiences extreme shifts in mood. It can affect people of all genders and ages. Patients experience difficulty in managing their everyday tasks at schools or office, and in maintaining relationships. There are three types of bipolar disorder — Bipolar disorder I (appearance of at least one manic episode), Bipolar disorder II (undergoing one major depressive episode which lasts for at least two weeks), and cyclothymia (experiencing episodes of hypomania and depression). Symptoms of bipolar disorder Symptoms of bipolar disorder are classified under three broad heads — mania, hypomania, and depression. Mania Here, patients undergo a state of emotional high, and they can be euphoric, impulsive, or full of excitement. They engage in spending sprees, unprotected sex, gambling with hard-earned life savings, and substance abuse. They make grand and unrealistic plans indicating poor judgment about situations. The individual may show excessive happiness or hopefulness and suddenly experience a change in their mood to irritation, anger, and hostility. They exhibit a decreased need for sleep. Patients speak very fast, show restlessness, and get distracted very easily. Hypomania Most often, patients undergoing bipolar disorder II show this type of behavior. Its symptoms are similar to mania. However, they are less severe and euphoric than the previous condition.
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Types and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis
Health Conditions

Types and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis

A long-lasting disease, multiple sclerosis (MS) affects an individual’s brain, spinal cord, and the optic nerves in the eyes. It can cause complications with the vision, muscle control, balance, and other basic bodily functions. The effects of MS are often quite different for everyone who suffers from this disease. Some people only have mild symptoms and don’t need any treatment. Others may have trouble getting around and doing daily tasks. MS occurs when the immune system attacks a fatty material known as myelin, which is wrapped around the nerve fibers to protect them. Without this outer shell, the nerves become damaged, and this may also lead to the formation of scar tissue. The damage means that the brain cannot send signals through the body correctly. The nerves also don’t work like they should to help one move and feel. As a result, an individual suffering from MS may have symptoms like: Trouble walking Problems focusing or remembering Feeling tired Depression Muscle weakness or spasms Pain Blurred or double vision Poor bladder or bowel control Numbness and tingling Sexual problems Types of multiple sclerosis In some ways, every person suffering from MS lives with a different illness. Although nerve damage is always a part of this disease, the pattern of damage is unique for everyone.
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Symptoms and treatment of cirrhosis
Health Conditions

Symptoms and treatment of cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is primarily is a condition of severe scarring of the liver. It also leads to poor liver functioning and results in chronic liver disease. Cirrhosis is often caused by prolonged exposure to viral infections and toxins such as alcohol. This condition is known to be a deadly ailment and damages the healthy tissues of the liver and replaces them with scar tissues. This results in inferior functioning of the liver and can also lead to loss of the organ. According to a report released by National Institutes of Health, cirrhosis is the 12th deadly disease that leads to the death of people in the country. Further, according to industry reports, more than 30,000 people die every year due to cirrhosis which is mainly caused by alcohol addiction and chronic hepatitis C. Symptoms of Cirrhosis The symptoms of cirrhosis arise when your liver fails to perform its normal functions. In the human body, the liver is responsible for the process of purification of the blood, breaking down of toxins, production of clotting proteins, and also helps with the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. with every scar tissue being formed, it becomes tougher and tougher for the liver to function normally.
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