The causes and symptoms of tuberculosis
Health Conditions

The causes and symptoms of tuberculosis

A persistent cough that lasts for two or more weeks and is accompanied by chest pain could be a cause of worry. These symptoms could point to tuberculosis (TB), which is a contagious infection that affects the lungs. In very severe cases, the disease may also spread to the brain and spine. It is a bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis and spreads through tiny drops that are released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Back in the 20th century, tuberculosis was the main cause of death in the country, but with the development of powerful antibiotic medicines, most cases of tuberculosis can now be cured. Causes of tuberculosis Being a bacterial infection, tuberculosis has many different strains of bacteria causing the disease. A number of strains of the disease are resistant to the medicines used for treating it. People affected with the disease may require several months or even years to be completely free from it. Tuberculosis is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which spreads from an infected person’s cough or sneezes. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, spits, speaks, sings, or even laughs, the chances of the bacteria being expelled are high. Most people get infected due to long-term or regular exposure to a person affected by the disease.
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7 stages of Alzheimer’s you need to know
Health Conditions

7 stages of Alzheimer’s you need to know

Alzheimer’s disease is the gradual process of memory loss which  can occur in the body during the old age.  There is a rare chance of getting affected by this disease at an early age.  Thus, the youngsters have a pale chance of getting affected with this disease. As it follows a progressive way, it becomes difficult to detect the presence of this disease in its early stages. Stages of Alzheimer’s disease Alzheimer’s disease is one of the few diseases which are unpredictable. It gradually makes the condition of the patient worse by the day. It creates a bad impact on one’s memory and their problem-solving, thinking, and speaking capacity. Given below are the explanations of the seven stages of this creepy disease: No dementia The first three stages are recognized as “no dementia” stage. This is because, in these three stages, the common symptoms and signs of this disease are not noticeable. Stage 1: No impairment In this stage, the person who is going to get affected with Alzheimer’s disease cannot feel any changes within themself. No signs of memory loss can be spotted too. Thus, this stage is known as “no cognitive decline.” Stage 2: Very mild cognitive decline In the second stage, the affected person will start experiencing typical forgetfulness.
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Six easy and effective tips to manage hemophilia
Health Conditions

Six easy and effective tips to manage hemophilia

Hemophilia is a genetic disorder that reduces blood clotting. In other words, patients suffering from hemophilia tend to lose massive amounts of blood as a result of even slight injuries. The threat is more when there is uncontrolled bleeding internally. Therefore, hemophilia patients have to be very careful about their activities and prevent any undue injury or bruise. If you have hemophilia or you know someone who does, these tips are good to know: Always carry hemophilia identification card/ bracelet Patients suffering from hemophilia should always carry an identification card or bracelet. This helps tremendously in case of an accident or injury because medical personnel immediately come to know of their blood disorder and offer treatment accordingly. In case this does not happen, the patient’s life may be at risk because of excessive bleeding, internal or external. Stay active to strengthen your muscles Patients with hemophilia are especially encouraged to exercise regularly and take part in sports. This helps in strengthening muscles and reducing the chances of severe injury after a fall or impact. Biking, swimming, and running are absolutely safe for such patients because they are non-impact sports. However, certain high-impact sports like rugby, football, or skiing may have to be avoided if the doctor advises so.
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Types of ADHD and their symptoms
Health Conditions

Types of ADHD and their symptoms

ADHD is a typical health condition which can affect both children and adults. It creates a bad effect on brain activity and brain development. It severely affects the attention and concentration level. According to estimation, it has been noticed that the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects more than 2.5% adults and 8.4% children around the globe. Here, adults are referred to young boys and they are more prone to this condition than the girls. Children get affected with this condition from their friends, and schoolwork. Different types of ADHD There are mainly three types of ADHD which are based on the symptoms in the body and its effectiveness. They are Inattentive ADHD, Hyperactive ADHD, and Impulsive ADHD. As the symptoms of these three types of ADHD are different, the processes of treatments available for these are also different from each other. Types of symptoms for each type of ADHD The different types of ADHD show different symptoms on the human body. The effectiveness of any symptoms depends upon the age and therefore, it is considered an important factor. Moreover, the symptoms which emerge in the body of a child are quite different from the symptoms which can be observed in an adult body.
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Diagnostic processes a physician follows for herpes
Health Conditions

Diagnostic processes a physician follows for herpes

Herpes is the medical condition that is regarded as an STD. It is caused by the attack of the foreign intruder virus. There are two viruses, HSV 1 and HSV 2 (Herpes Simplex Virus), that carry this STD and transmit it to the body of a healthy individual. Therefore, there are two types of this medical condition: herpes simplex and genital herpes; both these types are contagious and very common. The symptoms of this condition are so common that they help one predict this condition easily. The symptoms are mucous membranes on the nose, lips, and the mouth. Watery blisters on the skin are the most common symptom among all. The different diagnostic processes followed by a physician to detect herpes As herpes is caused by two viruses, HSV 2 and HSV 1, a physician has to prescribe a patient to undergo several tests. This will help the physician know the exact virus and the cause by which one is affected by this health condition. This is because HSV 1 is caused by cold sores and HSV 2 is caused by STD. Moreover, the tests are necessary for detecting the presence of lesions in the body at the same time.
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Types of obsessive-compulsive disorder
Health Conditions

Types of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) can be best described as a mental health issue, which makes the affected person act around a certain compulsion or obsession, causing them to undertake distressful actions and even have the same thoughts repetitively. As per a mental health report published in the year 2001 by the World Health Organization, obsessive-compulsive disorder is considered as one of the top twenty causes of disability caused by illness for people who are aged between 15 and 44 years. The report further indicated that obsessive-compulsive disorder was the fourth highest mental illness preceded by different phobias, abuse of substances, and cases of major depression. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is further featured with an array of functional disabilities and it also has a major impact on a person’s social and work life. However, people try to associate it with cleaning, but there are plenty of other types of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Some of the common types of OCD which one should know about are explained in brief as follows: Checking When this type of OCD affects a person, they feel the need to constantly keep on repeatedly checking their surroundings for potential damage, leaks, harm, or even fire. Checking may include appliances, car doors, possessions, and the like.
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5 tips to follow if you want to prevent athlete’s foot
Health Conditions

5 tips to follow if you want to prevent athlete’s foot

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that affects the skin’s sensitive areas, like toes, feet, and hands. Contrary to its name, it is not restricted to athletes and sportspersons only. In fact, it can affect anyone. While the more common cause of this infection is sweat and humid conditions, it is important to note that it is contagious in nature and, hence, can even be caused by coming in contact with an infected person or source. Symptoms of it include excessive itchiness, dryness, and scaly rashes. If you had athlete’s foot in the past, you already know how taxing its treatment can be. While the minor infections can be treated using over-the-counter medicines, the more serious ones require extensive medical treatments that can be both painful and expensive. To avoid this, the best resort is to prevent its re-occurrence. Here are five tips that will help you to prevent athlete’s foot: Stay hygienic Staying neat and clean is the best option if you are really keen on preventing athlete’s foot. Tinea fungus causes this infection and regularly cleaning your feet and other parts of the body will ensure that you can wash away the fungus even before it starts infecting.
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GERD- All that you should know
Health Conditions

GERD- All that you should know

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused when acid from the stomach flows back into the tube that connects your mouth and stomach. This tube is called the esophagus. The acidic reflux causes irritation in the lining of the esophagus. Out of the 60 million people who get heartburn in the country, around 19 million get GERD. It is a very common gastrointestinal disorder. GERD affects nearly 7% of Americans. The esophageal reflux appears from time to time. When it happens in a mild form, it appears at least twice a week. In case it is severe, it appears at least once a week. The discomfort is managed by most people as the daily lifestyle makes it easy for them to bear the influx and even if it is a little serious, there are some over-the-counter (OTC) medicines that may tackle the acidic reflux with ease. Yet, there might be situations when one might need stronger medications or surgery to ease out the symptoms. What are the symptoms of GERD? Here are some common signs of GERD: Severe pain in the chest Food regurgitation Difficulty in swallowing food as one feels a lump in the throat Frequent heartburn characterized by a burning sensation in the chest.
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7 interesting facts about rheumatoid arthritis
Health Conditions

7 interesting facts about rheumatoid arthritis

Think of the term arthritis and the mind automatically conjectures images of elderly people with joint pains. Yet, did you know that certain types of arthritis can strike irrespective of age? Rheumatoid arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects the joints. A chronic inflammatory disease, this type of arthritis can strike at any age. Let us take a look at seven interesting facts on rheumatoid arthritis. 1. It is an autoimmune disorder An autoimmune disorder is one in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body. In rheumatoid arthritis , the immune system attacks the healthy lining of your joints, causing painful inflammation, swelling, and stiffness. Thus, rheumatoid arthritis is different from osteoarthritis, which is a degenerative disease that sets in with age. The exact cause for autoimmune diseases is not known till date, though medical researchers have found that it tends to run in the genes. 2. Age is no barrier Unlike with regular arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis can shockingly set in at any age. The average age for people to develop this condition ranges between 30 to 60 years. However, medical data has shown that even children, who are prone to autoimmune conditions, can develop rheumatoid arthritis.
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The uses and side effects of Botox
Health Conditions

The uses and side effects of Botox

Many people consider type-A botulinum toxin, or as it is generally termed, Botox, to only be a remedy for wrinkles. However, its application has gone beyond that for numerous years, including Botox being used as a treatment for many severe medical conditions. It was when Botox proved effective as a treatment for wrinkles while also being used for treating muscle spasms in the face that its application in cosmetics was discovered. An unknown fact is that Botox is a brand that distributes a purified form of type-A botulinum, which is, in turn, produced by a bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. Apart from that, Australia is home to brands like Xeomin and Dysport. Uses of Botox Botox is injected in your skin for managing various types of facial wrinkles. Botox is usually administered in adults for temporarily dealing with the occurrence of the following: Vertical frown lines Also known as glabellar lines, vertical frown lines develop in the middle of your eyebrows and are caused due to the contraction of the muscles underneath, which occurs when you concentrate, squint, or frown. Horizontal forehead lines Also called worry lines, the horizontal forehead lines develop when the skin around the forehead area starts to thin. Other causes might include damage caused by the sun and facial muscle movements.
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