Important facts to know about the flexitarian diet

Important facts to know about the flexitarian diet

The name flexitarian diet is a combination of the two terms- vegetarian and flexible. The term has been introduced for more than a decade and is used to refer to the diet which is helpful for leading a healthy lifestyle by maintaining the balance of the essential nutrients in the body. It is specifically designed with less organic animal products and more plant products for consumption. Therefore, it is helpful in maintaining a steady weight and also improves the overall health condition. Does this diet help a person in losing weight? Research reveals that the vegetarians tend to consume low calories in their diet which helps them to control their Body Mass Index and the weight. But, it has been also observed that the people who are pure vegetarians are often lacking in various essential nutrients in the body. These deficiencies can be the cause of the emergence of a number of disorders and diseases in them. But, as the flexitarian diet has whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and animal products occasionally as its components, it is able to maintain the balance of the essential nutrients in the body. These diets are proven to contain a low amount of calories and are thus helpful in reducing weight and BMI respectively.
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A seven-day diet plan for obtaining a flat belly

A seven-day diet plan for obtaining a flat belly

A flat belly diet is focused on waist slimming by reducing fat around the belly. This particular diet follows some rules and regulation for the consumption of food. It will allow you to eat foods that are loaded with Monosaturated Fatty Acids (MUFAs). The rate of intake of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits must be increased. This helps in controlling the calorie level. Seven days diet plan for obtaining a flat belly It has been observed that belly fat increases the chances of different health problems including heart disease and Type 2 Diabetes. Free-hand yoga and daily workouts are helpful for a flat belly along with diet. Given below are the details of the seven days flat belly diet plan: Day 1 Start the day with kale and avocado omelet and brewed green tea. Your A.M. snack must be enjoyed with a cucumber salad. In lunch, you have to include chickpea salad. You have to eat chile-lime peanuts for the P.M. snack. At dinner, baked vegetable soup will definitely work for you! Day 2 On the second day of flat belly diet plan you can have berry and kefir muesli for breakfast. The A.M. snack can be had with an apple.
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Several tips to follow the Ornish diet

Several tips to follow the Ornish diet

Being discovered by the famous professor of medicine at the popular University of California, Dr. Dean Ornish, the Ornish diet has been proved to be an exceptional one. As it is invented by a doctor itself, it is thoughtfully designed by considering the overall health conditions of people. In this diet chart, it is suggested not to do any aerobic exercises, as it causes Ornish stress. This diet is equal to the exercises and helps people to stay fit and healthy throughout life. The ways to follow if you want to get into this diet The Ornish diet should be chosen by people who are focused to stay fit and healthy. Otherwise, it can cause severe effects on the body. There are many health benefits to this type of diet. The ways by which you can delve yourself into this type of diet are explained in the following: You have to stick to refined carbohydrates such as pasta and white bread. In the options of whole-grain, you can choose the quinoa spaghetti and the whole-grain bread. You should start avoiding the intake of saturated fats by minimizing the consumption of processed foods and animal products. You must focus on the consumption of vegetables and fats.
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6 myths about weight loss debunked

6 myths about weight loss debunked

Weight loss is surrounded by many misconceptions. These myths can easily derail you from your efforts, and, at the same time, have bad effects on your health. Here are a few myths debunked so that you can lose weight in a safe and smart manner. If you starve yourself, you will be able to lose weight faster You might be surprised to hear that crash diets don’t help you in long-term weight loss and, in fact, they can soon lead to weight gain. Crash diets are extremely difficult to follow . In the process, you even tend to miss out on essential nutrients. As a result, your body is low on energy and then you would start craving for high-sugar and high-fat food items. If you eat these, you will in no time consume more calories than you had actually burnt. Carbs make you put on weight Unless mixed with cream, butter, and other sauces, carbs alone cannot lead to weight gain. Whole grain carbs like bread, brown rice, and potatoes with the skins can be beneficial in weight loss as they have very high fiber content. Detoxification is a great way for weight loss Detox diets and crash diets restrict certain food groups and deprive the body of nutrition and adequate calories for a short period of time.
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Understanding carb cycling is important before adopting it

Understanding carb cycling is important before adopting it

Carbohydrates in regular diet have long been subjected to a lot of scrutiny and many people who consider dieting keep a strict check on their consumption of carbohydrates. This is why carb cycling has become a trend amongst the health conscious. It is a kind of diet in which you use alternatives to carbohydrates. One thing to keep in mind is that carb cycling is an advanced form of dieting, as there is a lot of tweaking and programming in comparison to other forms of diet. It should, therefore, be done under a trained dietician’s supervision. Here, a person may restrict carbs or completely exclude them of their normal diet. Depending on personal ability, an individual might do it for a week or for a complete month. This is done to maintain physical performance while going to the gym or even for reduction of body weight. Keeping a track of goals is of utmost importance Everything has a purpose and carb cycling is no different. If you have decided on adopting this kind of diet, it would be beneficial to keep the below-mentioned factors in mind: Tweaking carb intake when going to the gym – One approach is to take a higher carb intake during training days and reduce the carb intake or take a low carb intake during off days.
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4 nutritious food ideas for a keto diet

4 nutritious food ideas for a keto diet

Nowadays, with even young adults falling prey to heart diseases, people have been trying to make some essential changes to their life. Unhealthy eating habits coupled with erroneous lifestyle choices can spell disaster in the long run. Not only does the person gain weight, but also becomes susceptible to multiple serious health conditions.  A healthy diet and a regular exercise regime can help you lose weight, but you need to know what exactly to eat. One of the popular diet plans that has garnered followers in recent times is the keto diet. The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that puts the body in a state of ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbs. This decreases the fat percentage in the body and helps you in reducing weight. Adhering to the keto diet involves limiting your carb intake to 20-25 grams per day, and this can be an ordeal if you aren’t sure about what to eat. Before beginning the diet, it is best if you look up healthy food ideas that you can add to it. Seafood You can consume seafood even if you are on a keto diet. In fact, fish and shellfish are keto-friendly foods.
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Healthy Snacks Just for Kids

Healthy Snacks Just for Kids

Growing bodies and brains need balanced nutrition, and that means snacks filled with lean protein, healthy fats, fiber, and vitamin and mineral filled veggies and fruits. So it’s time to toss any snacks in your cupboards that are overly processed (with refined carbs and empty sugars). Instead, turn these healthy ingredients into balanced snacks that will keep the kids energized and healthy: 1. Healthier PB&J I know that kids love peanut butter and jelly, but you have to admit, it’s not the healthiest snack. Particularly if you’re smearing a store-bought peanut butter filled with sugar and a store bought jam. Instead, smear an all-natural, no-sugar added nut butter (i.e., almond, cashew, or peanut butter) over a whole wheat tortilla. Then use sliced strawberries for a perfect and fresh snack that still tastes great…without all that added sugar.  2. Raisins Raisins are not only portable (they come in those nifty little boxes) for eating on the go, they’re also loaded with potassium, fiber, and multiple vitamins. If you’re kids are picky, try inventing fun ways to incorporate raisins into their snacks by using them to make faces with apple and banana wedges. 3. Oat bars Oats are not only extremely satisfying for snacking between meals, they’re also a super comforting and warming food.
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4 Feeding Tips For A Happy, Healthy Dog

4 Feeding Tips For A Happy, Healthy Dog

We all love our pets. After all, they’re part of the family. However, many of us are guilty of feeding our pooches more than exercising them. When’s the last time you took your dog for a hike or had a good game of frisbee at the park? Sadly, if you sway more on the feeding and treating side than the exercise side, you may be shortening your precious pooch’s life. If you’re dog is overweight or obese, he or she may not live as long. According to the American Veterinary Association, almost 60% of pets come in for annual checkups at the vet and weigh in over the healthy, average amount. And who’s fault do you think that is? I’m looking at you, pet owners. Vets agree that feeding is the main source of excess weight in dogs. And on average, dogs at a healthy weight, live about 15% longer than their overweight counterparts. So here are a few tips to keep you canine as healthy as possible and avoid health issues such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and more: 1. Floor score and scraps When it comes to feeding your dog from your plate, you’re literally doing them a disservice no matter how good it feels at the time.
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Foods to Help Prevent Asthma

Foods to Help Prevent Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory condition that affects millions of people across the world. It is a long-term and chronic condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed and narrow. This causes difficulty in breathing as there is limited oxygen getting into a person’s lungs. Asthma is incurable, but can be managed if monitored properly to avoid interruptions in daily activities and to prevent asthma attacks. Asthma symptoms can have long-term effects on one’s breathing. A strict diet can help to control and limit asthma flare ups: 1. It’s all about omega-3 and vitamin C Studies have indicated that those that follow a Mediterranean-style diet have a reduced chance of developing asthma. This diet consists of foods that are high in omega-3, such as olive oil, fish, fruit, and whole grains. In addition, green leafy vegetables that contain high levels of vitamin C, such as spinach, promote healthy immune systems. For asthmatics, these foods contain folate which can help reduce the dangerous effects of asthma. 2. Magnesium is king Foods that are high magnesium are also proven to help those with asthma and seasonal allergies. Magnesium helps to relax the muscles that surround the air passageways which can have a counter effect to the tightening of the airways and surrounding muscles.
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Migraine Friendly Foods

Migraine Friendly Foods

The only similarity between a headache vs. a migraine are that both cause pain, but the differences abound. Migraines have been described as a pain like nothing they have experienced. Symptoms typically begin one or two days before and they can include fatigue, food cravings, yawning, hyperactivity, and neck stiffness. The attack phase of a migraine is when the pain actually begins and can last anywhere from hours to days. Migraine pain is described as pulsating, pounding, throbbing, and most of all debilitating. There is no cure for migraines currently and physicians recommend avoiding food triggers by following a migraine diet. This type of diet includes anti-inflammatory and natural pain relieving foods: 1. Whole grains Research has shown that blood sugar spikes caused by simple carbohydrates can trigger a migraine. Consuming simple carbs causes blood sugar to rise and then the body produces extra insulin to break the sugar down causing the blood sugar levels to drop significantly. The spike and plummet can lead to a migraine and the easiest way to avoid this is to eat whole grains. Try eating brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat pastas, while avoiding white rice, white bread, and white pasta noodles. 2. Healthy fats Healthy fats are needed for optimal brain function and even migraine prevention.
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