Unhealthy Kids’ Snacks to Avoid

Unhealthy Kids’ Snacks to Avoid

Snacking is a part of every American’s life. Children and adults alike tend to eat three meals a day along with two snacks. In our lunches, we often put snacks for our children to ensure that they are not hungry when they are in school. Unfortunately, many parents choose convenience over nutrition. When we have hectic schedules, picky eaters, and children with a sweet tooth, it is much easier to grab a pre-packaged snack, than it is to cook up something healthy. While many parents do not intentionally give unhealthy snacks to their children we are often misled about what healthy snacks are. Here are some of the most unhealthy kids snacks to avoid: Gummy bears and fruit roll-ups These fruit snacks are found in almost every kid’s lunch across America. They are typically known as a great healthy fruit snack because they are made with real fruit or even classified as organic. The packaging may make these snacks appear healthy, but the opposite is true. These snacks are full of sugars, making them one of the most unhealthy snacks for kids. Real fruit has sugar too, but these snacks can triple or quadruple the number of sugars found in a real piece of fruit.
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Healthy Human Foods for Cats

Healthy Human Foods for Cats

You might often be tempted to feed your cats human food, but not all the food that you eat is safe for them. When your cats are begging for human food or you want to give it as a treat, you need to know which foods are safe. You still won’t want to give them human food all the time, though, or it could lead to obesity (and associated joint issues, arthritis and feline diabetes). Here are some healthy human foods to feed cats in moderation: 1. Plain skinless chicken  When you are cooking up chicken, you can make a bit of it to give to your cat. Cats need a lot of protein and meat because they are carnivores. The skinless chicken is a good healthy option as long as you don’t put any seasonings or spices on it, which could be harmful to the animal. 2. Cooked eggs  Eggs are another great source of protein, which will help your cat be healthy even while eating human food. A high protein diet for cats is important, and you can give your cat cooked eggs every once in a while. Make sure you cook the eggs and any other protein you give them well so they won’t get sick from it.
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7 Harmful Foods That Your Dogs Should Avoid

7 Harmful Foods That Your Dogs Should Avoid

Feeding dogs certain human foods can be dangerous and even fatal. Therefore, it’s important to know which foods are harmful to dogs. Contact a veterinarian if you believe your dog has consumed any of the following toxic foods or drinks: 1. Peaches and plums Peaches and plums contain cyanide, a compound that is fatal to dogs. Apart from toxicity, peaches and plums contain seeds that can choke dogs. Also, pits and seeds can block intestines and the bowel. A dog may need surgery in case of intestinal or bowel blockages. Peaches have a hard center that can break or damage a dog’s teeth, causing nerve fractures. Above are the seven toxic foods for dogs that should be avoided. Visit a veterinarian immediately when your dog starts to show food poisoning symptoms. 2. Avocados Avocados contain the toxin, persin, which is considered safe for humans but poisonous to dogs. The toxin is present in the leaves, pits, bark and the fruit itself. Persin causes accumulation of fluids on the chest and lungs of the dog. The fluid buildup can cause breathing difficulties, leading to suffocation and even death. Fluid can also accumulate in the abdomen, pancreas, or heart. Avocado pits can cause digestive problems or choking when swallowed accidentally.
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Manage Dry Eyes with These Food Hacks

Manage Dry Eyes with These Food Hacks

Dry eyes are caused by inadequate tear production. Symptoms of dry eyes include stinging or burning, mucus build up, irritation, and sensitivity to light. Luckily, many foods can help remedy and relieve chronic dry eyes: 1. Ground flaxseed Flaxseed can be found in most grocery stores. The seeds are very tiny and must be ground before you eat them. Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 and fatty acids. The body does not produce omega-3 fatty acids on its own. Adding ground flaxseed to your diet is a natural way to improve problems with dry eyes. 2. Fatty fish Tuna, salmon, and mackerel are some fish that will provide omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Fish will also provide potassium. Adding fatty fish to your regular diet will help improve the moisture in your eyes. Omega-3 fatty acids do many other beneficial things for your health. They can help lower blood pressure and slow the formation of plaque in the arteries. 3. Walnuts Walnuts provide nutrients, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins that the body needs. They are also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids like linoleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), and arachidonic acids. Walnuts can be enjoyed by the handful or added to salads and other recipes.
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Top Harmful Foods to Feed Cats

Top Harmful Foods to Feed Cats

Although it’s tempting to feed your cat table scraps, many experts point to many foods that can cause cat toxicity. Likewise, some foods are far more harmful to cats than others. In fact, you should completely avoid feeding to your cat the following foods: 1. Raw fish Contrary to popular belief, raw fish is really not good for your cat at all. Actually, raw fish can cause gastrointestinal problems and also the vitamin thiamine, which is essential for good health. In addition, raw fish may cause poisoning due to the bacteria of uncooked meat. Thiamine deficiency can play havoc on the neurological system. As well, it can sometimes lead to a suppressed appetite, seizures and even death. 2. Garlic and onions Although cats can be pickier eaters than dogs, they are still known for eating odd foods such as caramelized onions or roasted garlic. Unfortunately, all foods in the Allium family such as garlic, onions, and shallot are poisonous to your cat when eaten in large quantities. They can actually cause anemia and damage to red blood cells. If your cat shows any symptoms like reddish or orange urine, reduced appetite, weakness, or lethargy, take your cat to the vet promptly.
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Foods to Avoid to Manage Sweating

Foods to Avoid to Manage Sweating

Sweating isn’t always related to the temperature outside, it could be hyperhidrosis, which is excessive sweating that’s often related to hormones or an underlying health condition (i.e., diabetes or thyroid issues). However, avoiding certain foods can help: 1. Hot soup Hot soup can cause hyperhidrosis because typically, soup is best served very hot. This can heat up the internal body temperature after consumption and cause you to sweat uncontrollably. Excess sweating while eating hot soup occurs because it is the process of your body trying to cool itself down. The best thing to do to avoid symptoms of heavy sweating hyperhidrosis is to avoid eating soup when it’s extremely hot and wait for it to cool off. 2. Caffeine Caffeine is another food to avoid if you don’t want to experience hyperhidrosis. There are a variety of reasons why caffeine can cause uncontrollable sweating. The first reason is that caffeine is typically found in coffee and when consumed, coffee stimulates your central nervous system. When the central nervous system is stimulated, it sends a message to the sweat glands to start producing sweat. It doesn’t matter whether the coffee is hot or iced coffee, it can make you sweat. In addition to caffeine, many people enjoy adding high-fat milk to their coffee.
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Common Foods that Trigger Eczema

Common Foods that Trigger Eczema

Eczema is a medical condition that results from an allergic reaction when people consume certain types of food they are sensitive to. Many people in the United States have been affected by eczema. Symptoms vary according to someone’s age, and they can generally be a scaly skin or itchy patches on the skin. There is no cure for the disease yet, but its symptoms can be managed. Here are some foods that cause eczema and skin sensitivities: 1. Gluten Gluten or wheat contributes to eczema flares. Foods that contain gluten have been proven to cause eczema to many people with sensitivities. If you suspect that gluten triggers your eczema, you should start being keen on the types of food you choose to eat. Be sure to take only the “gluten-free” labeled foods and carefully select your ingredients to ensure they lack gluten before you partake them. 2. Canned foods Dyshidrotic eczema is mainly caused by nickel that is contained in canned food. If you are sensitive to it, you should not take canned foods because some of them include high nickel levels. Nickel can exacerbate symptoms of eczema to people who are sensitive to it by displaying symptoms like small blisters that appear on the feet and hands.
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5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snack Options

5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snack Options

It can be difficult for you to follow a diabetes diet. In addition to prescription medications, your doctor may recommend certain dietary changes if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. However, even though you have diabetes, that does not mean that you have to follow a bland diet. There are even some snacks that you will be able to enjoy. If you are craving a late night snack and have diabetes, then you can enjoy some of the following options: 1. Hard boiled eggs Hard-boiled eggs are a great snack for people who have diabetes. They are a great source of protein. In fact, one egg contains six grams of protein. Studies have shown that protein can prevent the blood sugar from rising too quickly after you eat something. Eggs can also help you stay full longer. This is essential for helping you manage type 2 diabetes. You can enjoy hard-boiled eggs by themselves or you can also top them with an avocado or a bit of plain yogurt and spices. 2. Mixed nuts Mixed nuts are a snack that you can keep on hand with you. They are a great source of many vitamins and minerals. They can also help lower your blood sugar.
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The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

The Worst Foods for Breathing Problems

There are a number of illnesses or conditions that may cause issues with breathing. For instance, infections, degenerative conditions, inflammatory lung conditions, and environmental effects can lead to symptoms of wheezing and tightness in the chest. Difficulty breathing is both a concerning and potentially dangerous issue as asthma and COPD sufferers can attest. Often, inflammation is the cause of breathing issues either of the lungs or of the air passages leading to the lungs. In dealing with breathing issues diet can be a factor in mitigating symptoms, which is why many health professionals recommend avoiding foods, like these, that can exacerbate breathing troubles: 1. Excessive salt The risks of excessive salt are well known with there being a danger of high blood pressure, stroke or heart attack with prolonged high levels. The reason salt can cause these conditions is the same as the reason it can worsen breathing issues, excess water retention. A high salt diet convinces the body that it needs to retain water in order to deal with high sodium levels. This excess water can be a contributing factor in inhibiting the efficiency of the lungs and subsequently the ability to breathe. 2. Cold cuts Nitrates can have a big impact on worsening symptoms of conditions such as COPD.
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6 Foods That Keep GERD and Bowel Disease At Bay

6 Foods That Keep GERD and Bowel Disease At Bay

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (or GERD) occurs when stomach acid comes back up (or regurgitates) into the esophagus. Bowel diseases like crohn’s and colitis have similar symptoms as GERD including heartburn, feeling a lump in your throat, and the “regurgitation of food or sour liquid”. While GERD and bowel disease can be impacted by many factors, including stress. Diet can either help or hinder GERD symptoms. However, in cases of bowel disease, more serious medical treatments may be needed. In this article, we will be discussing the common foods that keep GERD symptoms and heartburn at bay: 1. Ginger The use of ginger to treat GERD is a balance. According to healthline.com, if you take the right amount can help alleviate symptoms. However, if you take too much, it can make your symptoms worse. It works as an anti-inflammatory, which can relieve symptoms of GERD. It also has the potential to reduce stomach acid from going up into your esophagus 2. Oatmeal Oatmeal is a high fiber food. According to hopkinsmedicine.org, eating foods high in fiber like it can make you feel fuller and are less likely to cause symptoms associated with GERD because there is less of a chance for you to overeat, which scientists have found may contribute to symptoms of GERD 3.
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